
来源 :食用菌 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:absyou
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竹荪是世界上著名的珍贵食用菌,菌体沽白细嫩,食味鲜美可口,营养丰富。鲜竹荪含粗蛋白20.2%,粗脂肪2.6%,碳水化合物38.1%,还含有多种氨基酸,是上好的调味品,“与肉共食,味鲜防腐”。在医药上,对高血压、高胆固酵病患者有一定疗效,特别是有减少腹壁脂肪的效果。竹荪是我国传统出口商品,在国际市场上享有盛誉,外贸价格每公斤干茵150~160美元. Dictyophora is a famous precious edible fungus in the world. The bacteria are delicate and delicate, with delicious nutrition and rich nutrition. Fresh bamboo-sun containing 20.2% crude protein, crude fat 2.6%, carbohydrates 38.1%, also contains a variety of amino acids, is a good condiment, “with meat, food, taste fresh preservative.” In medicine, high blood pressure, high cholesterol in patients with a certain effect, especially to reduce the effect of abdominal fat. Dictyophora is a traditional export commodity in China, enjoying a good reputation in the international market. The foreign trade price is 150-160 U.S. dollars per kilogram.
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