
来源 :公路交通科技(应用技术版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qilinsanshao
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钻爆施工是山岭隧道掘进的常用方法,在我国隧道建设中被广泛采用。但爆破开挖必然会产生震动、同时会引起岩土体内应力场的重新分布,对周边建筑物和隧道结构的稳定造成影响。本文结合北固山隧道建设实践,遵守新奥法原理结构设计的特点,考虑复杂城区建筑物的高度敏感性,采取了实施超前地质预报和监控量测手段,对施工实践进行研究分析。实时调整了施工方案和支护结构参数设计,对敏感地带采取了超前预控措施,有效确保了施工安全和工程质量,避免了对敏感建筑物的影响。 Drilling and blasting construction is commonly used in tunneling of mountain tunnels and is widely used in tunnel construction in our country. However, blasting excavation will inevitably produce vibration, at the same time will lead to the re-distribution of stress field in rock and soil, the impact on the stability of the surrounding buildings and tunnel structure. Combined with the construction practice of Beigu mountain tunnel, abiding by the characteristics of the structure design of the new Austrian law and considering the highly sensitive buildings in complex urban areas, this paper takes the measures of advanced geological forecasting and monitoring and monitoring to study and analyze the construction practice. Real-time adjustment of the construction program and support structure parameter design, the sensitive zone has taken advanced pre-control measures to effectively ensure the construction safety and project quality, to avoid the impact of sensitive buildings.
雅培糖尿病产品部是雅培公司业务发展最快的事业部之一。雅培糖尿病产品部致力于通过不断地研究和创新.提高糖尿病病人的生活质量。 Abbott’s Diabetes Products division
根据“Brown-Boven Mitt.1979.66 №43-45”报道,“Brown Boven”公司已经研制成LM阴极,具有LaB_6的发射特性,加工工艺类似碳化钍钨阴极。这种材料是把镧的氧化物(La_2O_3)
职高生是一个特殊的群体,体育自主锻炼意识有很大的欠缺。本文根据教学实践提出七个策略来提高其自主锻炼意识。 Vocational high school students is a special group, the
为了应对加入WTO后我国成品油销售面临的竞争,提出一系列对策作为提升成品油销售企业竞争力的重要策略。 In order to cope with the competition faced by China’s refine