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苏共中央委托馬克思列宁主义研究院从现在至1960年期间出版一部5卷本的“苏联偉大的衛国战争史”。苏共中央已成立了一个編輯委员会。编写这部著作首先是苏联历史学家的重要任务。同时,也将吸收作家、新聞記者、战争参加者及党和苏維埃的积极分子来参加这项工作。出版这部著作具有很大的政治及教育意义。第二次世界大战期間,苏联人民对法西斯德国及其他帝国主义国家的侵略行为予以毁灭性的反击,对世界进步事業作出了巨大的贡献。这部馬克思主义的科学著作,要对世界史上的这一具有决定意义的史实作出总的概述和评論。它将闡明苏联人民在共产党领导下在前线和敌后的英勇斗争、苏联陆軍及海军的重要战役以及战术上的优越性,指出苏联打敗德国法西斯主义和日本軍国主义的这一胜利的全世界的历史意义。它要向苏联人民及全人类清楚地解答:为什么苏联在这次艰苦的战争中获得了胜利?苏联及其武装力量的不可摧毁的威力的源泉何在?此外,这部巨著要以苏联人民的英勇傳统及爱国主义来教育苏維埃青年,使他們热爱一切胜利的领导者和组织者——光荣的苏联共产党。 資产阶級的宣传家和历史学家千方百計地想揑造战爭史,从而貶低苏联在第二次世界大战中歼灭法西斯所起的巨大作用。目前,资产阶級軍事史学家歪曲地記述这次战爭经过并誣蔑苏联人民及其武裝力量的伪科学著作,充斥资本主义国家的書籍市场。他們撒謊说战胜法西斯德国及軍国主义日本的关鍵在于英美的武裝力量。所以,苏联出版这样一部表明战争的真实情况的具有丰富史料和科学分析的著作是对这类謊言的有力的回击。苏联在出版这部5卷本的巨著的同时,还將出版一部5卷本的“苏联卫国战爭史文件汇编”及1卷本的“衛国战争 The CPSU Central Committee has commissioned the Institute of Marxism-Leninism to publish a 5-volume “History of the Great Soviet Patriotic War” between now and 1960. The CPSU Central Committee has set up an editorial board. The preparation of this work is, above all, an important task for the Soviet historians. At the same time, writers, journalists, war participants and activists of the party and the Soviet Union will also be recruited to participate in this work. Publication of this book has great political and educational significance. During World War II, the Soviet people devastated the aggressive actions of Fascist Germany and other imperialist countries and made tremendous contributions to the progress of the world. This scientific book of Marxism should give a general overview and commentary on this decisive historical fact in the history of the world. It will clarify the heroic struggles of the Soviet people in front lines and behind enemy lines under the leadership of the Communist Party, the important battles and the tactical superiority of the Soviet Army and Navy, and point out that the Soviet Union has defeated the entire world of this victory of German fascism and Japanese militarism historical meaning. It must clearly explain to the people of the Soviet Union and to all mankind why the Soviet Union won in this difficult war. What is the source of the unshakable power of the Soviet Union and its armed forces? In addition, it is based on the heroism of the Soviet people Tradition and patriotism to educate the youth of the Soviet Union so that they will love all the leaders and organizers of victory - the glorious Soviet Communist Party. Proponents and historians of the bourgeoisie tried in every possible way to invent the history of the war, thereby belittling the great role played by the Soviet Union in wiping out fascism in the Second World War. At present, the bourgeois military historians misrepresent the pseudo-scientific works of the war that passed and slandered the people and their armed forces of the Soviet Union, filling the books market in the capitalist countries. They lied that the key to the victory over Fascism Germany and militarist Japan lies in the Anglo-American armed forces. Therefore, the publication by the Soviet Union of such a book rich in historical material and scientific analysis that shows the real situation of the war is a powerful response to such lies. While publishing the 5-volume masterpiece, the Soviet Union will also publish a 5-volume compilation of the history of the Soviet Patriotic War and the 1-volume War of the Patriotic War
物流经济地理是一门基础的物流管理专业课程,但是近年来教学中都是采用传统的教学方法,教学效果并不理想。为此非常有必要研究分析提高物流经济地理课堂教学效果的策略。 Lo