Deguelin regulates nuclear pore complex proteins Nup98 and Nup88 in U937 cells in vitro~1

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Aim: To investigate the anticancer effects and the molecular mechanisms of deguelin on human U937 leukemia cells, and to explore the underlying mechanism regulating nucleoporin 98 (Nup98) and nucleoporin 88 (Nup88) in vitro. Methods: The effects of deguelin on the growth of U937 cells were studied by MTT assay. The effect of deguelin on the cell cycle of U937 cells was studied by using a propidium iodide method. The localization of the nuclear pore complex proteins Nup98 and Nup88 was investigated by using immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy. The expression of Nup98 and Nup88 in U937 cells was investigated by using flow cytometry and Western blot. Results: The prolif eration of U937 cells was inhibited in the deguelin-treated group, with a 24-h IC_(50) value of 21.61 nmol/L and a 36-h IC_(50) value of 17.07 nmol/L. U937 cells treated with deguelin had reduced percentages of cells in the G_0/G_1 phase, whereas cells accumulated in the S and G_2/M phases. Nup88 and Nup98 were found on both the nuclar and cytoplasmic sides of the U937 cells by using immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy. The expression of Nup98 was upregulated and that of the Nup88 protein was downregulated in U937 cells treated with deguelin. Conclusion: Deguelin is able to inhibit the proliferation of U937 cells by regulating the cell cycle such that cells are arrested at the S and G_2/M phases, so that the proportion of cells in the G_0/G_1 phase decreases. The antitumor effects of deguelin are related to upregulating the expression of Nup98 and downregulating the expression of Nup88 protein in U937 cells. Aim: To investigate the anticancer effects and the molecular mechanisms of deguelin on human U937 leukemia cells, and to explore the underlying mechanism regulating nucleoporin 98 (Nup98) and nucleoporin 88 (Nup88) in vitro. Methods: The effects of deguelin on the growth of The effect of deguelin on the cell cycle of U937 cells was studied by using a propidium iodide method. The localization of the nuclear pore complex proteins Nup98 and Nup88 was investigated by using immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy. The expression of Nup98 and Nup88 in U937 cells was investigated by using flow cytometry and Western blot. Results: The prolif eration of U937 cells was inhibited in the deguelin-treated group, with a 24-h IC 50 (50) value of 21.61 nmol / L and a 36-h IC 50 (50) value of 17.07 nmol / L. U937 cells treated with deguelin had reduced percentages of cells in the G_0 / G_1 phase, and the cells accumulated in the S and G_2 / M phases. Nup88 and Nup98 wer e found on both the nuclar and cytoplasmic sides of the U937 cells by using immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy. The expression of Nup98 was upregulated and that of the Nup88 protein was downregulated in U937 cells treated with deguelin. Conclusion: Deguelin is able to inhibit the proliferation of U937 cells by regulating the cell cycle such that cells were arrested at the S and G_2 / M phases, so that the proportion of cells in the G_0 / G_1 phase decreases. The antitumor effects of deguelin are related to upregulating the expression of Nup98 and downregulating the expression of Nup88 protein in U937 cells.
<正> 黑龙江省暨哈尔滨市社会学学会于1989年12月12日至13日在哈尔滨市哈铁文化宫举行。参加这次年会的共112人。会议收到论文(含研究报告)112篇,评出优秀论文(含研究报告)61篇。会上通过了黑龙江省暨哈尔滨市社会学学会第二届理事会工作总结,选出了第三届理事会,通过了黑龙江省暨哈尔滨市社会学学会1990年工作要点。
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