
来源 :共产党员 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Seanecn
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大量事实说明,一个企业的兴衰成败,与领导班子特别是企业主要领导人的素质高低关系极大。同是国有企业,企业类型、原有基础、外部环境大致相同,有的办得很好,有的却办得很糟,关键在领导班子。不少困难和亏损企业,还是原来的机器设备,原来的职工,只是调整了领导班子,很快就改变了面貌。去年,全国国企办在111户企业、6350名职工中进行问卷调查,95%以上的职工最盼望的就是企业有一个好班子。我们一定要把加强国有企业领导班子建设作为促进企业改革和发展的关键措施来抓。 A large number of facts indicate that the success or failure of a company has a great deal to do with the quality of the leadership team, especially the main leaders of the company. In the same state-owned enterprises, the type of company, the original foundation, and the external environment are roughly the same, and some are well run, while others are doing very badly. The key lies in the leadership. Many difficult and loss-making enterprises are still the original machinery and equipment. The original employees only adjusted their leadership team and quickly changed their appearance. Last year, the State-owned Enterprises Office of the State Council conducted surveys among 111 enterprises and 6,350 employees. More than 95% of employees hope that the company has a good team. We must take strengthening the leadership of state-owned enterprises as a key measure to promote enterprise reform and development.
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是什么样的接力赛,它的总赛程竟然是地球赤道周长的3倍多?  是什么样的接力赛,它的选手数量竟然比有些国家的人口总数还要多?  是什么样的接力赛,它的比赛时间竟然超过了一年时间的1/3?  是什么样的接力赛,它最后一棒的选手竟然要保密到最后一刻?  2008奥运火炬接力赛呗!  自2008年3月24日奥运圣火采集的那一刻起,奥运火炬接力赛就正式开始啦。我们的“祥云”火炬跋山涉水,成功跨越了地球上的五
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本文作者对工民建施工中的节能技术进行了深入的研究,希望能够促进我国建筑行业的进一步发展。 The author of the civil construction workers in the energy-saving techn
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推行企务公开,是新形势下党中央为加强基层民主政治建设提出的一项明确要求,意义非常重大,现在的关键是抓落实、办实事,使这些工作得到持续健康的发展。 当前,围绕建立现代