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《几何画板》软件是由美国KeyCurriculumPress公司开发的教育软件。由于能够动态地展现出几何图形的方位联系、运动改变规律,拥有着传统教学用具无法逾越的独特性,被称为“21世纪动态几何”。随着几何画板的更新发展,其具备的严密的作图程序愈加丰富,有效地树立学生严谨科学的作图观,有利于数与形的完美结合,培养了学生空间想象能力,帮助学生建构数学知识体系,并帮助教师提高数学教学质量。几何画板与数学教学的有机结合,使教学的表现内容与形式更加形象生动化、多样趣味化。 Geometry Sketchpad software is educational software developed by KeyCurriculumPress, Inc., USA. Due to its ability to dynamically display the geometric connection of azimuths and movements, and its uniqueness insurmountable in traditional teaching aids, it is called “21st Century Dynamic Geometry”. With the new development of geometric drawing board, the rigorous drawing procedure that it possesses is more and more abundant. Effectively establishing the rigorous and scientific drawing view of students, is conducive to the perfect combination of numbers and shapes, cultivating students’ spatial imagination ability and helping students to construct mathematics Knowledge system, and help teachers to improve the quality of mathematics teaching. The combination of geometrical drawing board and mathematics teaching makes the content and form of teaching more vivid and diversified.
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鉴于黑粉病是重复侵染的病害;防治应采取以选用抗病品种为主的综合措施。 In view of the black powdery mildew is a repeat of the disease; prevention and treatment sh
ACl33是最近识别的一个新的造血干细胞表面标记,本文就其抗体制备、蛋白表达分布及其与CD34的关系等作一综述。 ACl33 is a newly identified surface marker of hematopoie
索尼爱立信杯传媒风尚第三届校园原创歌曲大赛在经过了 5场初赛之后,共有50首作品进入复赛。参赛者来自中国传媒大学、北京现代音乐学院、中央音乐学院、北京大学以及清华大
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