Effect of Supported Bearing Clearance on Load-Sharing Characteristics of a Double-Row Planetary Gear

来源 :东华大学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:BENLAOQIAN
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Few studies were focused on the load-sharing characteristics of double-row planetary gear ( DRPG ) systems with bearings. Meanwhile, the supported bearing has an important influence on the transmission characteristics of the entire system. To overcome this problem, a multi-body dynamic ( MBD ) model of the DRPG system fully considering the influences of bearing parameters is established. Dynamic loads among contacting gear pairs have been obtained to calculate the load-sharing coefficient ( LSC) of the system. The LSC of each gear tooth pair has been compared to study the effect of the supported bearing clearance on the load-sharing characteristics. These methods are based on Hertz contact theory. The liner stiffness and damping are used in the model. The results show that the supported bearing clearance has a greatly effect on the LSC of the DRPG system. Choosing appropriate clearance parameters of supported bearing can help suppress the uneven load distribution of the DRPG system. The results can provide some guidance to find new method to study the LSC and increase the service life of planetary gear systems.
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