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内容简介心宽病自去,养生的根本是心理养生。当今,健康的最大杀手是生活压力,科学健康的心理调适才能更好地放松身体,才能抵御各种身体和心理疾病的侵袭。科学的心理调适也是减轻疾病的重要途径。本书以中国传统文化和《黄帝内经》中的心理学理论为基础,结合当今人们普遍存在的心理问题,介绍了《黄帝内经》中相应的心理养生原则和方法,包括品德修养、顺时调神、悦纳自我、节制欲求、调节情志、清静养神、调节个性特征等。《黄帝内经》中的心理养生方法不同于西方舶来的心理养生法,相信这一点可为当代人的心理健康调节提供一条有效的途径。本书内容丰富、文字通俗,故事和案例糅合其中,趣味性和知识性强,可作为各界人士进行心理调节的实用读本。 Content brief introduction Heart disease itself, the fundamental health care is mental health. Nowadays, the biggest killer of health is the pressure of life, and the psychological adjustment of scientific health can better relax the body in order to withstand various physical and psychological attacks. Scientific psychological adjustment is also an important way to reduce the disease. Based on the Chinese traditional culture and psychology theory in the Yellow Emperor’s Canon of Internal Medicine, this book introduces the psychological principles and methods of psychological health in Huangdi Nei Jing by combining with the prevailing psychological problems of people in the Yellow Emperor, including moral cultivation, God, acceptance of self, abstinence desire, regulation of emotional, quiet repose, adjust personality characteristics. The method of psychological regimen in the Yellow Emperor’s Canon of Medicine is different from the psychological regimen introduced in the West. I believe this can provide an effective way for the psychological adjustment of the present age. The book is rich in content, popular text, story and case blend of them, fun and knowledgeable, can be used as a practical reader of psychological adjustment of people from all walks of life.
说到条约口岸体制,中国人脑海中就会浮现不平等和屈辱,本文试图摆脱这种常规意识,探求条约口岸体制的另一面。 When it comes to the treaty port system, Chinese people w
每逢周五下午,位于上海闵行区的复旦大学附属儿科医院二号门诊楼的高级专家门诊都热闹非凡。  8月13日,候诊区的十排长椅上坐满了家长,婴儿的啼哭和儿童的呼叫不绝于耳。这种场面常年如此。  “这里的孩子绝大部分都是来看蔡德培的。”家长们说。  蔡德培教授是这家医院的高级专家。几十年来,他主要从事儿科内分泌疾病及青春期医学的临床及科研工作,对中药治疗儿童性早熟及青春期延迟,以及环境内分泌干扰物引致儿童性
写作业、上课、看电视的时间长了,都会使你的颈部出现不适症状,时间长了对自己的健康可是有很大影响哦。再说了,拥有美丽的颈部也是现代美女、帅哥的一个重要指标,所以 DDM