
来源 :课程教材教学研究(教育研究) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:panzx777
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一、对课堂教学效率和有效教学的重新认识新课改的核心理念是“一切为了每一位学生的发展”。新课程从学科教育的目标上提出了新的要求,对教学实施提出新的建议,要实现教学目标就要强调提高课堂教学的效率。课堂教学的效率是教学活动的产出与投入之比。实现教学目标的途径可能有多种多样,我们所要追求的就是以最小的投入实现教学目标;就是要“让学生学得好一点,又读得轻 First, the classroom teaching efficiency and effective teaching of new understanding of the core concept of the new curriculum reform is ”everything for every student’s development “. The new curriculum puts forward new requirements on the goal of academic education, puts forward new suggestions on the implementation of teaching, and to achieve the teaching goal, we must emphasize the improvement of the efficiency of classroom teaching. The efficiency of classroom teaching is the ratio of output and input of teaching activities. There are many possible ways to achieve the teaching goal. All we have to pursue is to achieve the teaching goal with the minimum investment. It is to ”let the students learn better and read more lightly
白居易描写弹琴女子的琴声感人时 ,说 :“转轴拨弦三两声 ,未成曲调先有情。”其实 ,说话的道理与此相同。教师要想使自己的语言具有感人的魅力 ,一定要做到“四分含情 ,六分
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