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法律制度是中国古代政治制度的重要组成部分,它的研究涉及法学、史学、社会学等多门学科。近年来,随着中国法制史研究的不断深入,宋代法制的研究也比较活跃,短短几年间,发表和出版了一系列有相当水平的论文及专著,取得了可喜的成绩。为深入探讨两宋法制问题,下面对近年来(1990—1995)的研究成果作一概要综述。一、全面研究宋代法律的专著面世宋代司法制度,在唐朝的基础上进一步改革和补充,从而达到我国封建社会司法制度的顶峰。尽管它存在许多弊端,但就其用严密的制度保证依法审判、以法治国,以及调整各种社会矛盾的成效看,却有很大作用。王云海主编的《宋代司法制度》一书,从司法机构的设 The legal system is an important part of ancient Chinese political system. Its research involves many disciplines such as law, history and sociology. In recent years, with the deepening of the research on the history of legal history in China, the legal system research in the Song Dynasty was also quite active. In a few short years, a series of papers and monographs with considerable levels were published and published, which made gratifying achievements. In order to further explore the issue of the legal system in the two Song Dynasties, the following summarizes the research results in recent years (1990-1995). First, a comprehensive study of the monograph of the Song Dynasty Law The judicial system of the Song Dynasty, the reform and supplement on the basis of the Tang Dynasty, so as to achieve the pinnacle of the judicial system of feudal society in our country. Despite its many shortcomings, it has a great role to play in using its strict system to ensure that cases are tried in accordance with the law, rule the country by law and how to adjust various social conflicts. Wang Yunhai editor of the “judicial system in the Song Dynasty,” a book from the establishment of the judiciary
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Self-reliance   A baby snail asked his mother, “Why was I born with a shell that grew so hard and heavy?”    His mother said, “Because we don’t have bones to support us. We can only crawl and move slo
<正> 自党的十一届三中全会以来,我国的民主和法制建设取得了长足的进步,高等法学教育也获得骄人的成绩。这是有目共睹、无容置疑的事实。以笔者所在的北大法律系为例:在这一时期,我们把法学教育和研究同建设富强、民主、文明的社会主义国家结合起来,同体制改革、对外开放和法制建设结合起来,建设一流的师资队伍,培养一流的、多层次的法学人才。经过十几年的努力,已形成拥有教授28人、博士导师20人、副教授26人和一批优秀的讲师、助教组成的梯次分明的教师队伍;设置了先进而完备的专业体系和课程体系,多次修改教学计
一把坚实的大锁挂在铁门上,一根铁杆费了九牛二虎之力,还是无法将它撬开。钥匙来了,它瘦小的身子钻进锁孔,只轻轻一转,那大锁就“啪”地一声 A solid big lock hung on the