The Impact of R&D Capitalization on Macroeconomic Variables: From the Perspective of the Adjustment

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Based on the results of the 14 thcomprehensive adjustment of NIPAS published by BEA in July of 2013,this paper employs the national economic accounting principles to analyze the impact of R&D capitalization on Macroeconomic Variables from both the theoretical and empirical aspects. The results show that R&D capitalization will produce impact on many macroeconomic variables. Although some changes of the indexes are very small in amount, the implementation of capitalized accounting on R&D is the requirement of SNA 2008 and an inevitable trend of international accounting changes. China must further improve the statistical content of R&D, revise the accounting caliber and classification standards for R&D, explore the accounting models for R&D satellite accounts, improve the quality of R&D accounting data, strengthen the understanding of the essence of SNA 2008, so as to promote the integration of Chinese national economic accounting system with SNA 2008 as soon as possible. Based on the results of the 14th consensus well-being of NIPAS published by BEA in July of 2013, this paper employs the national economic accounting principles to analyze the impact of R & D capitalization on Macroeconomic Variables from both the theoretical and empirical aspects. The results show that R & D capitalization will produce impact on many macroeconomic variables. Although some changes of the indexes are very small in amount, the implementation of capitalized accounting on R & D is the requirement of SNA 2008 and an inevitable trend of international accounting changes. China must further improve the statistical content of R & D, revise the accounting caliber and classification standards for R & D, explore the accounting models for R & D satellite accounts, improve the quality of R & D accounting data, strengthen the understanding of the essence of SNA 2008, so as to promote the integration of Chinese national economic accounting system with SNA 2008 as soon as possible.
[摘 要] 分析了在移动互联网时代运用移动互联网技术与思维改革教学模式,提高高职学生学习大学英语兴趣与效率的意义。介绍了通过分析高职学生的学习特点,有针对性地建设泛在学习平台,并依据泛在学习评价报告动态调整翻转课堂设计的方法解决当前高职英语课堂实现“翻转”难问题的具体做法。  [关 键 词] 泛在学习;高职大学英语;翻转课堂;教学模式  [中图分类号] G712 [文献标志码] A [文章编号]
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