The popular singer 流行音乐歌手

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  1. surfer /?s??f?(r)/ n. 冲浪者;冲浪运动员
  2. revolve /r??v?lv/ v. 旋转;环绕
  Jack Johnson is one of the most popular singers and song writers in the world.
  Jack was born on May 18, 1975 in Hawaii. Being the son of a famous surfer, Jack usually has an
  interest in surfing. Most of his life lessons were learned in the water. At the age of 17, Jack entered the finals of the Pineline Masters—the worlds most famous surfing competition. Everyone thought Jack would become a professional surfer like his father. Unluckily, one month later, he had a deadly accident while surfing and was seriously hurt.
  Life is like a revolving door. When it closes, it also opens. Jack started to practice playing the guitar and writing songs when he was staying in hospital. At first, his father thought Jack only did it for fun, but soon he was surprised at the great progress his son had made.
  When studying in the university, Jack didnt stop practicing his guitar skills. He played the guitar for school parties. He wrote songs and sang for his teachers and friends. They liked his songs. His first music album Brushfire Fairytales came out in 2001. It was a great success. His second album, On and On, was much like his first. They were filled with sweet, easy?going songs that everybody liked listening to. Later Jack had lots of concerts in and out of America. He became popular all over the world.
  Jack had five albums by 2010 and more than 15 million copies of them were sold. His music doesnt fit into any of the popular music styles like pop, rock, R
积极的生活方式、永远保持自信、勇敢面对新的事物,可能是爱丽丝老奶奶最大的保养秘密。能够在93岁的时候勇敢地尝试一个新的职业领域,这位老奶奶已经是一位人生赢家了。  难词探意  1. fashion /?謖f?覸?蘩n/ n. 时尚;时装业  2. recognize /?謖rek?藜ɡna?奘z/ v. 认出;认可  3. commercial /k?藜?謖m?誻?蘼?蘩l/ n. (电台或电视播
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主题感知·素养解读  《送瘟神》  毛泽东  绿水青山枉自多,华佗无奈小虫何!  千村薜荔人遗矢,万户萧疏鬼唱歌。  坐地日行八萬里,巡天遥看一千河。  牛郎欲问瘟神事,一样悲欢逐逝波。  这首七律《送瘟神》,是毛泽东同志在1958年得知江西省余江县消灭血吸虫病后所作。今天重读这首七律,我们仍能感受到中国人民战胜瘟神、战胜贫穷、战天斗地的壮志豪情。时间过去了六十多年,进入20世纪20年代的第一年,
失落的达·芬奇名画摹本,是在怎样的情况下失而复得的呢?让我们到文章中一探究竟吧!  难词探意  1. auction /???k?n/ v. 拍卖  2. prosecutor /?pr?s?kju?t?(r)/ n. 公诉人;检察官  3. sphere /sf??(r)/ n. 球(体)  A copy of the most expensive painting ever auctioned
海詞积累  1. simulation n. 模拟  2. extent n. 程度;范围  3. severe adj. 十分严重的  4. driver n. 驱动因素  5. notable adj. 著名的;显著的  6. variation n. 变种;变更;变化  7. adverse adj. 不利的;有害的  预读思考  What are the functions of the
你听说过“气象病”吗?如果今天阳光灿烂、和风飘飘,就会觉得精神振奋、心情舒畅;如果一连遭遇十几天的阴雨,就会感到莫名的郁闷。小编一开始以为是自己多愁善感,没想到科学家却说:天气、气候对人的情绪有很大影响,这是正常的自然现象!  那么问题来了,英语里有哪些关于阴雨天气的常用表达呢?让我们一起来看看吧。  扫码听测  Ⅰ.听力理解  听下面一段录音并从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。本题考
新西兰遭受恐怖分子袭击后,一段长达17分钟的屠杀视频在社交网络上疯狂传播,尽管 Facebook 和 Google 等公司在接到警示后迅速做出了反应,但还是有成千上万的人看到了。社交网络对数十亿网民发布的内容不加区分,到底是保障了言论自由,还是忽视了监督内容的义务?  体裁 议论文 文章词数 338 建议用时 6 min  难词探意  1. inflame /?n?fle?m/ v. 激起(愤怒
彭亚文  制片人  前期寻找拍摄场地的时候,尝试过很多选择,虽然准备时间紧张,更希望能提供既有整体也有细节的场景。身为制片,要把控整体进度也要审慎细节工作,协助创意人员将想法完美落地。我们对这份工作怀有敬畏之心,也对美和时尚影像有着极致追求。这次也不例外。  本期他参与了封面拍摄的执行制片。“想去学学建筑,感觉对影像审美和制作很有用。”JUN  设计师  图文搭配美感、字体运用合理、颜色协调等,都
Written by Michael Kunze and Sylvester Levay, Rebecca is a new musical in German drawn from the classic Daphne Du Maurier novel of the same name about love and obsession reaching from beyond the grave