创新体制机制 坚持惩防并重 力争案检工作效益最大化

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近几年来,耒阳市纪委监察局始终把案检工作摆在重中之重,不断创新办案体制机制,充分发挥办案的政治经济社会综合效益,力争实现案检工作效益最大化。一、创新机制,强化措施,提升案检工作水平(一)健全办案保障机制。一是实行领导办案工作责任制。我委规定,书记、分管案检副书记年内参与办理大要案分别不少于4件、6件,并负责协调各方面关系,排除阻力,营造良好的办案工作环境。二是改善办案条件。近三年先后投入资金80多万元,用于改善办公、办案设备设施。三是加强办案队伍建设。 In recent years, the Shenyang Municipal Discipline Inspection Commission Supervision Bureau has always placed the top priority in the prosecution work. It has continuously innovated the system and mechanism of handling cases and gave full play to the comprehensive political, economic and social benefits of handling the case so as to maximize the effectiveness of the inspection. I. Innovate mechanisms, strengthen measures and enhance the level of case seizure work (I) Improve the handling mechanism for handling cases. First, the implementation of leadership responsibility system. Our committee stipulates that the secretary and deputy secretary in charge of case filing shall be responsible for handling no less than 4 and 6 major cases respectively during the year and shall be responsible for coordinating all aspects of the relationship, removing resistance and creating a good working environment for handling cases. Second, improve handling conditions. Over the past three years has invested about 800000 yuan, for improving office, handling equipment and facilities. The third is to strengthen the construction team handling.
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