共克时艰 舟曲坚强

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一方有难,八方支援。甘肃舟曲特大山洪泥石流灾害发生后,本市市级机关立即行动起来开展捐助活动。市委书记张高丽,市委副书记、市长黄兴国,市人大常委会主任刘胜玉,市政协主席邢元敏,市委副书记何立峰和市委、市人大常委会、市政府、市政协领导同志带头向灾区捐款。甘肃舟曲灾情一直令天津人民牵挂,人们以各种方式向灾区人民送上海河儿女的深深祝福,表达出血浓于水的人间大爱。连日来,市委、市人大常委会、市政府、市政协等市级机关广大党员干部群众踊跃捐款。大家表示,支援灾区是我们义不容辞的责任,相信舟曲人民一定能够团结一心、不畏艰难,取抗灾救灾斗争的全面胜利。市人大常委会机关干部职工已捐款30150元。 A difficult one, P Plus support. After the occurrence of the mudslide disaster in Zhouqu, Gansu, the municipality-level authorities immediately took the initiative to launch donation activities. Party Secretary Zhang Gaoli, Municipal Committee, Mayor Huang Xingguo, Municipal People’s Congress Standing Committee Liu Shengyu, Municipal Political Consultative Conference Chairman Xing Yuanmin, Municipal Committee He Lifeng and Municipal Party Committee, Municipal People’s Congress Standing Committee, Municipal Government, Municipal CPPCC leaders take the lead in donations to the disaster area. The quake in Gansu Zhouqu has always kept the people of Tianjin in mind. People send the deep blessings of the children of the river to the people of the disaster areas in various ways to express the love of the earth that is thicker than water. In recent days, the municipal Party committee, the Municipal People’s Congress Standing Committee, municipal government, Municipal Political Consultative Conference and other municipal organs cadres and the general public donations. We all said that it is our unshirkable responsibility to support the disaster-hit areas and believe that the people in Zhouqu will surely unite as one and bravely and take the all-out victory in the fight against disasters and relief. Municipal People’s Congress organs and cadres and workers have donated 30150 yuan.
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