实施产业政策 优化信贷结构

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产业结构,有三个含义:一是指量的比例,包括各个部门,行业之间的比例以及行业内部的比例;二是指质的高低,即各种产业、行业的技术水平层次;三是指空间的分布,即产业、行业的地区布局。分析考察产业结构合理与否,不能仅仅限于量的比例研究,还要考察质的高低与空间分布状况。同时还应探讨产业结构的“时间效应”,即从动态上研究产业、行业结构的状况。 产业政策是政府制定优化产业结构和地区布局的一系列经济政策(包括必要的行政、法律手段)的总称。它是保持经济持 Industrial structure, there are three meanings: First, the ratio of the amount, including the various departments, the ratio between industries and the proportion of the industry; the second is the level of quality, that is, a variety of industries, industry level of technology; Third, refers to The distribution of space, that is, the layout of industries, industries and regions. Analysis of the industrial structure is reasonable or not, not only limited to the amount of proportion of research, but also examine the level of quality and spatial distribution. At the same time, we should also explore the “time effect” of industrial structure, that is, study the status of industry and industrial structure dynamically. Industrial policy is a general term for a series of economic policies (including necessary administrative and legal means) that the government has formulated to optimize industrial structure and regional distribution. It is to maintain the economy
研究了径向锻造的主要力学特性和塑性流动,以及某些宏观体积的应变效应,目的是为了获得预想的宏观结构和工件的物理机械性能。 The main mechanical properties and plastic
【正】 小博今天不表全球体坛大侠即将云集北京奥运会,在紫荆之巅运筹帷幄、决胜千里,杀他个天昏地暗、人仰马翻,单说在巾帼英雄樊梨花养子之地,历代兵家必争的洛阳栾川所举
本文通过模拟试验寻求拔长时的展宽值,借以控制上、下平砧自由锻造时的坯料截面尺寸变化。 In this paper, through the simulation test to find the stretching of the st