A New Method for Sorting Unknown Radar Emitter Signal

来源 :Chinese Journal of Electronics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xujingtony
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Sorting rate of common method is not high and it is sensitive to the Signal noise ratio(SNR), in order to solve these problems, bispectrum two dimensions characteristics complexity is applied to sort unknown complicated radar signal and a high sorting rate would be got. The bispectrum of received signal is extracted and it is predigested to two dimensions characteristic, the box dimension and information dimension are extracted from the two dimensions characteristic and used as the sorting characteristics, and the last sorting is accomplished by using KFCM algorithm. For the bispectrum of different signal is distinguishing and it is not sensitive to SNR, the box dimension and information dimension are divisible and steady, the advantage of this new method is validated by simulation results, and the lowest sorting rate is 90% at SNR equals to 10 dB. Sorting rate of common method is not high and it is sensitive to the Signal Noise Ratio (SNR), in order to solve these problems, bispectrum two dimensions characteristics complexity is applied to sort unknown complicated radar signal and a high sorting rate would would got. The bispectrum of received signal is extracted and it is predigested to two dimensions characteristic, the box dimension and information dimension are extracted from the two dimensions characteristic and used as the sorting characteristics, and the last sorting is accomplished by using KFCM algorithm. For the bispectrum of the different signal is distinguishing and it is not sensitive to SNR, the box dimension and information dimension are divisible and steady, the advantage of this new method is validated by the simulation results, and the lowest sorting rate is 90% at SNR equals to 10 dB .
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