
来源 :中国癌症防治杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:get_to_do
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胃癌的淋巴结转移是胃癌转移和术后复发的最主要转移方式之一,严重影响胃癌患者的预后。血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)可促进淋巴管的增生,其在胃癌组织中高度表达,研究显示VEGF与胃癌淋巴管的生成有关,阻止淋巴管的生成对肿瘤转移有重要的意义,抑制VEGF及肿瘤淋巴管形成将影响肿瘤组织的增生和扩散,利用VEGF抗体及受体拮抗剂可以阻断肿瘤转移。本文就VEGF与胃癌的淋巴管生成和淋巴结转移以及降低胃癌复发的研究做一综述。 Lymph node metastasis of gastric cancer is one of the most important metastasis of gastric cancer and postoperative recurrence, which seriously affects the prognosis of patients with gastric cancer. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) can promote the proliferation of lymphatic vessels, which is highly expressed in gastric cancer tissues. Studies have shown that VEGF is related to the lymphangiogenesis of gastric cancer, preventing the formation of lymphatic vessels is of important significance for tumor metastasis, inhibiting VEGF and tumor Lymphangiogenesis will affect the proliferation and proliferation of tumor tissue, the use of VEGF antibodies and receptor antagonists can block tumor metastasis. This article reviews VEGF and gastric cancer in lymphangiogenesis and lymph node metastasis and reduce the recurrence of gastric cancer.
为了普及真空设备的应用知识 ,提高真空应用领域内的企业管理人员、技术人员、及经销商的真空应用实践水平 ,由中国真空网、上海真空学会真空获得与测量专委会 ,真空应用专委
本文介绍了一种血沉的计算机辅助分析方法 ,并设计了相应的测量仪器及分析软件 ,阐述了该仪器如何与计算机接口 ,最后分析了这种仪器用于临床医学的意义 This article descr
国际营养学的发展对临床营养支持提出了更高的要求。由于营养理论和营养技术的不断进步 ,在形成一整套便易性与可操作性均达标的规范化操作规程之前 ,在临床设立专门机构 ,以
中国华侨出版社出版的《面子!面子!》一书,第14页有这样一段话: 商鞅变法,秦强而成一统,但后来他竟遭车裂;王安石变法,北宋因此富国强兵,他竟被乱箭射死;谭嗣同等戊戌维新代
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Polymers have wide applications in industry as well as in high technological area. In many cases, materials are modified by radiations such as UV light, electro
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