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  How the NBA’s fashion game has evolved in the 10 years since the 2005 dress code.
  Ten years ago on Oct. 17, 2005, NBA players received a surprising memo from then-commissioner David Stern. A league-wide dress code was going into effect. No more baggy jeans. No fitted baseball caps. No XXXL white T-shirts. No Timberland boots. Oversized necklaces – even ones with religious pendants – were also out.
  Players were not happy. Some jokingly called it the "A.I. rule" after Philadelphia 76ers guard Allen Iverson. Some thought it was racist toward black players or a slap at the hip-hop community.
  "I remember a lot of guys being upset with it," said San Antonio Spurs forward David West, who was then playing for the New Orleans Hornets. "A lot of guys thought they were being too intrusive. … I just remember felling like,’Damn, I’m a grown man and someone is telling me what to wear.’ "
  The NBA’s mandatory dress code was for all NBA and NBDL players, who were expected to wear business-casual attire while participating in team and NBA activities that included arriving at games, departing games, conducting interviews and making promotional and other appearances. Specific penalties weren’t announced, but repeat violators were subject to fines.
  "It was like us versus the league," former Detroit Pistons guard Chauncey Billups said, "and there was a little tag going on us on who we were and what we represented, the black players, the whole hip-hop culture."
  Ten years later, the NBA’s sense of style has evolved to the point where several stars routinely make their own unique fashion statements.
  "It was kind of weird," Golden State Warriors coach Steve Kerr said. "A predominantly black league with a white commissioner telling everybody what they had to wear. I wasn’t sure how I felt about that. And I was wrong."
  “这有些奇怪。”勇士主教练史蒂夫·科尔说,“一个主要由黑人球员组成的联盟,要由一个白人总裁告诉他们应该穿什么。我不确定自己的感受。我错了。”   The NBA didn’t think it needed a dress code in the 1980s when many players wore business attire clothing while flying on commercial planes with their teams. NBA stars like Julius Erving, Magic Johnson, Michael Jordan, Clyde Drexler, James Worthy and Alex English looked typically sharp when they arrived to games in the 1980s. Drexler believes NBA players began dressing more casually as teams started using charter planes in the early 1990s.
  "We were pretty serious about how we dressed," Drexler said. "I always had a personal tailor. Most teams had dress codes when traveling until most started chartering around 1990, 1991. Detroit was the first team to charter. Portland was the second.
  "Once both Portland and Detroit played in the 1990 NBA Finals, most teams thought it created an advantage to charter. Then everyone started to charter."
  Los Angeles Lakers coach Byron Scott, who won three championships as a guard with the Lakers in the 1980s, said players during his day simply wanted to look good.
  "We wore sport coats to the airport and slacks," Scott said. "You didn’t have to put in a dress code and rule."
  In the 1990s, hip-hop culture became popular with young adult fashion with its relaxed, baggy and sports-geared clothing. You didn’t have to be from the so-called "hood" to be attracted to dressing that way. And it wasn’t only black kids wearing the clothes.
  "I was in the era of when guys, especially rappers, were wasting tons of money, including myself, on extravagant, unnecessary and oversized jewelry," former NBA player Jason Richardson said.

  The majority of NBA season-ticket holders, however, were older, well off and couldn’t relate to hip-hop fashion.
  "I guess they wanted people in the arena to feel like they were at a business type of function," said Warriors center Andrew Bogut, who was a rookie with the Milwaukee Bucks when the rule was implemented.   “我猜他们想让坐在球馆里的人感觉自己在参加商务活动。”勇士中锋安德鲁·博古特说,着装令实施时,他还是雄鹿的新秀。
  Former NBA player Grant Hill said then-Orlando Magic coach Johnny Davis asked him and teammate Pat Garrity to have a players-only meeting to come up with team rules for the 2004-05 season. The topics included fines for being late or missing practices and games, dress code and more. Hill said the players were in favor of a relaxed dress code.
  "Literally, the team voted and it was like, ’You can wear anything but shorts and sandals,’ " Hill said. "I was like, ’Are you guys sure about this?’ So we went and presented it to Johnny Davis as coach and he was like, ’No.’
  The "Malice at the Palace" brawl between the Indiana Pacers and Pistons on Nov. 19, 2004, in Auburn Hills, Mich., also contributed to the NBA’s decision to implement a dress code. The rule went into effect with the oneyear anniversary of the brawl on the horizon to counter image problems that hampered its then recent history.
  2004年1 1月19日,在密歇根州奥本山爆发的步行者与活塞的“奥本山宫殿斗殴事件”,也是NBA决定推出着装令的原因之一。着装令的颁布时间正好在斗殴事件发生的一周年纪念日,目的就是为了应对近年来恶性事件对联盟形象产生的不良影响。
  Billups was among those who heard the NBA’s dress code referred to as the "A.I. rule." Iverson frequently wore hip-hop gear off the court and to games. In 2003, he wore a Milwaukee Bucks jersey and hat to NBA All-Star media availability while playing for the Sixers. He also wore a Michigan State jersey on the bench while sidelined during a USA Basketball Olympic qualifying game. Former Sixers forward Andre Iguodala said Iverson bought several oversized suits to adhere to the dress code.
  "Allen wasn’t a fan of it," said Iguodala, now with the Warriors. "Allen just wanted to be comfortable. He wasn’t trying to just be a rebel without a cause. He was like, ’I just want to be comfortable. I just want to go to the game and play basketball.’ He didn’t want to be uptight or feel restricted.
  Richardson was playing for the Warriors at the time and said he thought the dress code targeted blacks and the hip-hop generation. He wanted the NBA Players Association to get it reversed."It’s funny how you mature and look back at things you’ve done or said and grow from them," Richardson said. "At the time, being young, I thought it was a personal attack to most of the guys in the NBA."   当时为勇士打球的理查德森认为,着装令针对的是黑人及受嘻哈文化影响的一代人。他希望球员工会能推翻这个规定。“当你成熟后,回头再看自己做过的事、说过的话,看到自己的成长,这很有意思。”理查德森说,“那时候作为年轻人,我觉得那是对大多数NBA球员的人身攻击。”
  But there were also black NBA players and coaches who didn’t have a problem with the dress code.
  "I was old school," Hill said. "I was already dressed in suits and was trying to look professional."
  Scott, then the coach of the New Jersey Nets, also didn’t have an issue with the rule.
  Jason Richardson said he thought the dress code targeted blacks and the hip-hop generation. He wanted the NBA Players Association to get it reversed."It’s funny how you mature and look back at things you’ve done or said and grow from them."
  West, however, ignored the rule and continued to wear sweats to games. His wallet faced the consequences. He said the league had fashion police at NBA arenas, and they took pictures and reported players who didn’t adhere to the dress code.
  "I didn’t really change much," West said. "I got fined a couple times because I’d rather be comfortable. My comfort comes first before anybody else."

  And it wasn’t just players who embraced hip-hop culture who struggled with the dress code. Bogut said Bucks teammate Toni Kukoc also was reprimanded.
  "I remember Toni Kukoc wore just wore a turtleneck, a [James] Bond type of turtleneck, with a jacket, and he got a warning for it," Bogut said. "It was crazy. At that point, they were real strict. They wanted collared shirts. They thought he was trying to be demonstrative."
  Oklahoma City Thunder guard Russell Westbrook has been lauded for his style and has an endorsement deal with Barneys New York. Lakers guard Nick Young and his girlfriend, singer Iggy Azalea, are Forever 21 models. Warriors guard Stephen Curry had a deal with the clothing company Express last season.
  现如今,俄克拉荷马雷霆后卫拉塞尔·威斯布鲁克的风格广受外界称赞,他和纽约的巴尼百货签下了协议。湖人后卫尼克·杨和他的女朋友、歌手Iggy Azalea是Forever 21的模特。勇士后卫斯蒂芬·库里上赛季和服装公司Express签了协议。
  "Fashion in the NBA has been big for both sides, the fashion industry and the NBA," Young said. "It’s been 10 years since the dress code came out? That’s crazy. I remember trying to buy a suit.
  "We’re professionals. You have to dress the part. But we made it even better. People starting getting more fashion forward."
  Still, there are other players like West who could still care less.
  "I’m still not one of those guys who are going to come here all decked out and then get sweaty," said West, who was wearing a Spurs sweatsuit after a recent preseason game. "I don’t rock like that."
匹克签约球员迈尔斯·普拉姆利已经在密尔沃基打了半个赛季,在那里,他感到很温暖,也很舒适,他觉得自己好像回到了家乡一样。而事实上,位于威斯康辛州的密尔沃基也的确称得上是他的第二故乡。  迈尔斯的母亲莱斯利从小就生活在威斯康辛州的尼纳,那里距离密尔沃基只有100英里(约合161公里)。迈尔斯的两个舅舅也是在威斯康辛州读完大学,并在这里生活。因此,从小到大,迈尔斯没少来这里。  “我对这里并不陌生,我一
“第一次穿上库里二代时,我就清晰地认识到了这一点——由于采用了缓震性能极佳的中底,整双鞋的性能得到了极大的提升。”库里说道,“在整个夏天的训练中,我穿的都是这款球鞋。令我高兴的是,这款鞋的设计和性能不仅能够帮我提升球场整体表现,而且还将给所有的篮球运动员带来真正有意义的创新。”  正如库里所说,Curry 2在性能上有了不小提升,是第一款采用了Charged Cushioning全掌缓震中底和Sp
扎克·拉文  1995年3月10日/1.96米/83公斤/PG-SG/明尼苏达森林狼  20岁的扎克·拉文即将进入个人的第二个NBA赛季。对于新人来说,第二个赛季的重要性不输于菜鸟赛季,很多时候,“新秀墙”正是出现在第二个赛季。拉文在菜鸟赛季拥有了不错的起点,他拿到了全明星的扣篮大赛冠军,也坐稳了森林狼的主力轮换。  如今,拉文更进一步。季前赛正式开打前,森林狼的代理主教练萨姆·米切尔就宣布,拉文
迈克尔·基德-吉尔克里斯特  1993年9月26日/2.01米/105公斤/SF/夏洛特黄蜂  很多球员会在进入联盟的第四个赛季、也就是新秀合同的最后一个赛季出现质的飞跃,比如吉米·巴特勒。迈克尔·基德-吉尔克里斯特原本也是这样的球员,这也是黄蜂在今年夏天愿意用一份四年5200万美元和他续约的原因之一。更重要的是,迈基吉是黄蜂最好的外线防守球员。上赛季,迈基吉上场时黄蜂的战绩是28胜29负。在迈基
In 2010 and 2011, six NBA teams were sold. Since then, six more franchises have changed hands. Together, that represents 40 percent of the league. Yet, it does not appear a single NBA franchise is cur
大卫·李  1983年4月29日/2.06米/111公斤/PF波士顿凯尔特人  听到年轻球员将32岁的大卫·李称为“老家伙”时,凯尔特人主教练布拉德·史蒂文斯忍不住笑了。大卫·李的确是凯尔特人近三年拥有的年龄最大的球员,但“老”有时候也是一种优势——随勇士赢得总冠军后,他会为年轻的凯尔特人带来经验与稳定。  “我不觉得大卫希望别人说他老,因为他真的不老,从很多角度说,他仍是个年轻的球员。”史蒂文斯
“你明天准备做什么?”那是2013年7月一天的凌晨三点,托拜厄斯·哈里斯正在自己高中时就很爱去的一家叫做“烛光晚餐”的饭店里,吃着鸡蛋和煎土豆,喝着绿茶。和他一起的是他的兄弟泰勒,以及他的三个朋友。三个小时前,他刚满21岁。他的朋友们想知道,他打算如何度过生日当天的黎明时分。  “去跑步吧,”托拜厄斯答道,之后又加上了准确时间,“早上6点。”  哈里斯那天滴酒未沾,他表示自己从不饮酒,他的朋友们也
这些老家伙,回到了这个国度中为球鞋而痴狂的那些脑袋中。这一次,FILA重新发布了他们1990年以来的多双球鞋。  路易斯·科琳很是惊讶。长期担任FILA创意总监的他,有着能预测某款球鞋是否能热卖的能力。而且,他通常也知道,FILA该一下子推出多少款球鞋。  所以,当FILA决定在4月份重新发布其复古系列之一的FILA MB(贾马尔·马什本在1990年代的签名球鞋)时,他们与肯塔基州列克星顿市的服装
“12岁时,我跟妈妈说,我带着使命感,我知道我想要什么,我知道妈妈和家人们正在经历什么,我来这里是为了事业,我必须努力。”  在距离登机前往纽约还有大约48小时时,德安德鲁·艾顿正顺着玛丽察墨西哥餐厅的窗台凝视外面的停车场,这时旁边的窗帘吸引了他的注意力。这家家族经营的餐厅位于圣地亚哥北部,临近克莱尔蒙特,它是那种典型的传统墨西哥餐厅,它的室内装潢反映了墨西哥文化艺术的丰富性与多彩风格——这一切可
2015Under Armour旗下篮球巨星斯蒂芬·库里中国行这位上赛季常规赛MVP,曾在2013年造访过中国,今年斯蒂芬·库里带着总冠军的荣耀光环再度来华,开启了为期三天的中国行征程。期间,库里与广大中国球迷们亲密接触,分享其不懈努力、不断提高自己的故事,旨在帮助各地的篮球选手在球场内外展现他们的潜能。  驾临京城  夏末北京,在798艺术区的D Park 751罐内,万众期待下,Under A