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《世界经济导报》的独家新闻《美国务卿舒尔茨答本报记者问》,抓住了当时国内外关心的热点——在反对资产阶级自由化以后,中国的开放、改革政策是否会发生变化。舒尔茨在回答记者的提问时,明确地向全国新闻记者宣告:“中国已经不可逆转地踏上了现代化的征程。” 1987年初,中国进行了反对资产阶级自由化的斗争,一些外国朋友对此有疑虑,怀疑中国的开放、改革政策会发生变化。舒尔茨就是在这种情况下访问中国的。舒尔茨在访问期间,党和国家领导人赵紫阳、邓小平、李先念分别会见了他,向他介绍了中国国内的情况,舒尔茨对此非常满意,他曾在宴会上说:“我相信,中国在邓小平主任、赵紫阳总理和其他高级官员有远见和大胆的领导下,将找到解决现代化种种难题的自己独特的办法。”在这种情况下,记者在采访舒尔茨时,巧妙地采取“反摸底”的方法,提出:美国企业家和投资商在中国应继续前进、后退还是原地踏步?这一问,既不使采访对象为难,又给予他阐明自己观点的机会。舒 The exclusive issue of the World Economic Herald As the U.S. Secretary of State Schultz asked this reporter, “we seized on the hot spots of concern at home and abroad at that time. Whether opposition to the liberalization of the bourgeoisie will change the policy of China’s opening up and reform will change . In response to a reporter’s question, Schultz clearly declared to national news reporters: ”China has irreversibly embarked on a journey of modernization.“ In early 1987, China held a struggle against the liberalization of the bourgeoisie. Some foreign friends, This has doubts, doubts that China’s opening up, the reform policy will change. Schultz visited China under such circumstances. During Schultz’s visit, Zhao Ziyang, Deng Xiaoping and Li Xiannian, the leaders of the party and the state, met with him and briefed him on the situation in China. Schultz was very satisfied with this. At the banquet, he said: ”I believe , China will find its own unique solution to the problems of modernization under the far-sighted and bold leadership of Deng Xiaoping, Premier Zhao Ziyang and other senior officials. “In this case, when interviewed by Schultz, the reporter skillfully Adopting a ”counter-antipollution" approach, the article puts forward: Should the U.S. entrepreneurs and investors continue to move forward or retreat in China? This question will neither depress the interviewee nor give him an opportunity to clarify his point of view. Shu
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