妇产科概论 染色体与遗传

来源 :中国医学文摘.计划生育妇产科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zjr_1988
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061829早孕期经腹绒毛活检及细胞遗传学分析在染色体疾病产前诊断中的应用/戚庆炜…∥现代妇产科进展·—2006,15(7)·—538~541为研究早孕期B超引导下经腹绒毛取材以及绒毛细胞长期培养和染色体制备方法,评价早孕期细胞遗传学分析在产前诊断中的应用价值。回顾分析77例早孕期? 061829 Early pregnancy by abdominal villus biopsy and cytogenetic analysis in prenatal diagnosis of chromosomal diseases Qi Qingwei ... ∥ modern obstetrics and gynecology progress · 2006,15 (7) · -538 ~ 541 To study the early pregnancy B-guided And the long-term culture of villus cells and chromosome preparation methods to evaluate the value of cytogenetic analysis in prenatal period in prenatal diagnosis. Retrospective analysis of 77 cases of early pregnancy?
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