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图书馆目录组织是图书馆业务工作的重要组成部分,也是读者打开藏书大门的钥匙,只有目录体系科学、完备,才能全面系统地揭示馆藏、满足渎者各种不同的检索需要。目前我馆使用的读者目录,分成分类、书名、著者三种,三种目录均为累积性卡片式目录,这种只补充,不剔除的目录使得大量过时的旧书卡片与新书卡片混合排列,不仅无法显示日益增多的新片,而且导致藏书的利用率大大降低,许多读者不断提出是否有改变此状况的好方法。经过较长时间的摸索分析、我们觉得读者目录采用传统的三套卡片目录体系它不能适应新的形势需要和变化,造成这种局面的主要原因就是上述所说的新旧片混排问题,随着时间的演进及社会的发展与进步, Library directory organization is an important part of the library business, but also the key to the reader to open the door to the book. Only the directory system is scientific and complete to reveal the collection in a comprehensive and systematic manner and meet various needs of the criminals. At present, the readers’ catalogs used by our museum are divided into categories, titles, and authors. All three catalogs are cumulative card catalogs. This list of supplements and non-exclusions makes a large number of obsolete old and new book cards mix and match, Not only failed to show a growing number of new films, but also led to greatly reduced the utilization of books, many readers continue to ask whether there is a good way to change the situation. After a long period of exploration and analysis, we think that the reader directory uses the traditional three card catalog system which can not adapt to the needs and changes in the new situation. The main reason for this situation is that the above-mentioned new and old film mixing problems, with the The evolution of time and the development and progress of society,
Particle image velocimetry technique was used to analyze the trailing vortices and elucidate their rela-tionship with turbulence properties in a stirred tank of
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重症肌无力(myasthenia gravis,MG)可被各种药物加重,以抗生素最常见,其中氨基糖苷类抗生素尤为多见。多肽抗生素、四环素、林可霉素及氯林可霉素对 MG 有害,也已有报道。过
一、我国科技信息网的现状 目前,我国科技信息网是在“七五”、“八五”期间建成的国际和国内联机检索系统的基础上又垮上一个新台阶。其结构为:内层是科委机关内部的局域网