
来源 :阅读与作文(英语初中版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bpsend
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   As a stay-at-home dad, I am the economic equivalent of a zero.
   This revelation came to me at my local Costco where, upon checkout, I am often asked to apply for their new cashback credit card. Usually, I politely decline, preferring to leave the crowded store with my bulging shopping cart.
   I finally gave in. “Sure, why not?” I said when asked for the umpteenth time.
  A kind lady escorted me to Customer Service. We began the application process cheerfully.
  “Just a few questions, sir,” the kind lady said, starting with name, address and postal code. She worked down the list toward “occupation” .
   “What do you do for a living, sir?”
   “I’m a stay-at-home dad,” I replied confidently.
   She paused, unsure of what to write, and temporarily left the field blank.
  “My wife,” I laughed. The kind lady chuckled.
   I do some odd jobs here and there so I told her “about$10,000.”
   She looked at me, hesitant again, and queried: “Per month?”
   I laughed heartily. “Per year.”
  “I’ll tell you what, sir. I’m gonna write you in as a student with an annual income of $15,000.”
   That’s kind of weird, I thought. “Do they give cards to students?” I asked.
  “Oh yes, sir. No problems if you fill the form this way.”
   I shrugged and walked away, thanking the kind lady. It didn’t hit me at first, but as I was pushing my cart, an indignant voice rose from within. I didn’t want to lie about my occupation. I’m proud to be a stay-at-home dad. I finally became comfortable telling people what I do, so now, I won’t be marginalized!
   I went back to the kind lady and said: “Listen, I don’t want to lie on my application.”
   She said she was only trying to help. If she wrote the truth I’d be rejected. I thanked her for her efforts but asked her to tear up my application. “Absolutely, sir,” she said.“Sorry for the trouble.”
   I left the store feeling unloved by our Gross Domestic Product. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not too hung up about this. Stay-at-home moms have faced these types of issues a lot longer than I have. But it can sure feel like a thankless job, sometimes. (Yes, I am comparing the work of stay-athome parents to that of paid positions.) Our work—cooking, cleaning, taking care of the kids—is important.
   Why do I feel a bit insecure at times when I declare my status as stay-at-home dad? Why do I occasionally feel compelled to append: “I’m a writer, too”? Is it not enough to be simply a stay-at-home dad? Sometimes, the caveman inside me wants to jump out with his big stick and grunt:“Me man! Me should support family!” Years of cultural conditioning are hard to cast aside.    Then I ponder: What does it really mean to be a man? I have concluded that it isn’t about how much money you make, or how well you can frame a stud wall (though that is a useful skill for anyone). To me, it’s more about being true to yourself and to those you love; to be responsible, caring, honest and patient. And it is possible to be more than one thing. Yes, I am a stay-at-home dad. Yes, I am a writer.
   As for the economic merits of paying stay-at-home parents, I will leave that debate to the policy makers and special-interest groups. While my work is not counted by the economy, it is acknowledged by those who matter most to me: my family.
   By staying at home, I had more time to teach my sons how to ride their bikes. I learned to cook a mean homemade chicken noodle soup. I’ve been fortunate enough to attend every school concert or performance my kids have been in. I’ve developed a unique bond with my children, one I don’t think I would have achieved within the same time frame had I gone back to work.
   I am okay with being financially dependent on my wife—we made that decision together. We made a monetary sacrifice. It works for our family, but I don’t claim the arrangement is better or worse than anyone else’s.
   One day, when our kids are a bit older, I’ll jump back into the paid work force. When that day comes, I’ll miss cutting the crusts off their sandwiches every day, and picking them up at the bus stop. I’ll think fondly of the day my youngest son said: “I wanna be a stay-at-home dad and a writer when I grow up.”
   And next time Costco asks me if I want to apply for their new cash-back credit card, I’ll smile and say: “No thank you. But you could try asking my wife.”
   我边耸肩离开边向那位女士表示感谢。刚开始,我并不觉得那有什么,但当我推着购物车的时候,我的内心响起了一个愤怒的声音。我不想就我的职业撒谎。我对自己是一名全职爸爸感到自豪。我总算能自在地跟别人说起自己是做什么的了,所以现在,我不要被边缘化。    我掉头回去找那位亲切的女士,对她说:“听着,我不想就我的职业撒谎。”
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