王守仁:深谋远虑 靖乱安民

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王守仁,明朝著名哲学家、军事家,是继朱熹之后的理学集大成者,他创建的阳明心学对后世产生了巨大的影响。王守仁不但在学术上有重要的建树,而且在军事上有显赫的成就,是中国古代少有兼具事功的文人士大夫。平定江西明代正德年间,明武宗荒唐无度,沉湎玩乐,亲昵群小,僭越礼制,造成当时吏治腐败,政局混乱。特别是正德中后期,灾害频发,群盗蜂起。而当时的农民、流民暴动以江西最为盛炽。正德十一年,王守仁受时任兵 Wang Shouren, a famous philosopher and strategist in the Ming Dynasty, is a great master of science after Zhu Xi. The Yangming School of Mind which he founded has a tremendous impact on future generations. Wang Shouren not only has an important academic accomplishment, but also has made outstanding achievements in military affairs. It is an ancient literary doctor with few merits in ancient China. PingdingshanIn the Ming Dynasty in Jiangxi Ming Dynasty, Ming Wuzong ridiculous degreeless, Shen Kui play, intimacy small group, the more etiquette, causing the then official corruption, political turmoil. Especially in the mid-late Masanori, frequent disasters, gangsters bee started. At the time, peasants and rioters in Jiangxi Province were most prosperous. Zhengde eleven years, Wang Shouren by the time Bingren
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