
来源 :云南林业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangjie333666
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林业“三定”前,昆明市有林权纠纷七千二百多起,“三定”时解决了近五千起。对遗留下来的二千多起林权纠纷,昆明市人民政府先后两次发文要求扩大“三定”成果,做好扫尾工作。随着林业管理机构的加强,市、县林业局明确规定,扫尾工作由两级林政部门负责处理。市、县人民政府也亲自动手,对难度特大的纠纷,两级政府主管林业的负责同志都亲自调查研究,亲自做思想政治工作。由于组织 Before the “three determinations” of forestry, there were over 7200 forest rights disputes in Kunming and nearly five thousand were settled in “three determinations”. Concerning the remaining over 2,000 forest rights disputes, the Kunming People’s Government twice issued a document calling for the expansion of the outcome of the “three determinations” and done a good job of ending the mopping up. With the strengthening of the forestry management agencies, the municipal and county forestry bureaus clearly stipulated that the work of ending the mop up should be handled by the forestry departments at both levels. City and county people’s government also hands-on, the more difficult disputes, the responsible government comrades in charge of forestry at both levels are personally investigating and researching, personally doing ideological and political work. Thanks to the organization
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红松等针叶树种子萌发率较低,需要埋藏层积处理,如果用 H_2O_2进行浸种处理,就可以节省劳力、缩短催芽时间,从而提高经济效益。将1984~1988年进行的试验结果简报如下:1.用 H_
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