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研究华北地台东部边缘早元古代拉伸构造及与变质核杂岩的比较,提出了隆-滑构造模式。它一般发生在大规模收缩造山作用之前,由于区域拉伸作用,导致下地慢上隆,形成岩浆隆起或基底隆起,使上覆盖层发生重力滑脱。该模式由核部隆起、上部盖层和其间的拆离韧性剪切带组成。核部隆起一般由岩浆隆起(辽吉地区)或基底隆起(胶北地区)构成;上部盖层内发育有顺层滑脱构造系,由底部主滑脱面和内部次级滑脱面及其间的流褶层、片理化带构成。靠近核部隆起的盖层表现为正向滑脱,而滑脱前缘则表现为反向滑脱,具有滑覆特征。 Based on the comparison of the Early Proterozoic extensional structures with the metamorphic core complexes in the eastern margin of North China, a Long-slip tectonic model was proposed. It generally occurs before large-scale shrinkage orogeny. As a result of the regional stretching, the lower uplifts slowly and form magmatic uplift or basal uplift, resulting in the gravitational slippage of the overburden. The model consists of a core uplift, an upper cap layer and a detachment ductile shear band between them. The uplift of the core is generally composed of magmatic uplifts (Liaogi area) or basal uplifts (Jiaobei area). In the upper caprock, a stratified slip structure is developed, consisting of a bottom main slip surface, an internal secondary slip surface and flow pleats Layers, film physics with the composition. The uplifted caprock near the core shows positive slip, whereas the slip front exhibits reverse slip with slip-slip features.
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为观察表皮生长因子受体单克隆抗体 (EGFR Mc Ab) egf/ r3对肺癌的治疗作用 ,采用 MTT法进行体外细胞增殖抑制实验 ,裸鼠体内移植瘤采用同时治疗 (T1组 )与延后治疗 (T2组 )
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