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我国正全面实施以培养创新精神和实践能力为核心的素质教育。学生在实践中尝试创新,创新中用实践检验。奥斯本是创造学和创造工程之父。他发现大部分人的思维总是自觉或不自觉地沿着长期形成的思维模式来看待事物,对问题不敏感。即使看出了事物的缺陷和不足,也懒于去进一步思索,不爱动脑筋,不进行积极的思维,因而难以 Our country is implementing in an all-round way the quality education centered on the cultivation of innovative spirit and practical ability. Students try to innovate in practice and practice in innovation. Osborne is the father of creativity and engineering. He found that most people’s thinking is always consciously or unconsciously along the long-term thinking mode of thinking things are not sensitive to the problem. Even if we can see the shortcomings and deficiencies of things, we are too lazy to think further, not to use our brains or think positively,
Shape and quantity of helical baffles have great impact on the shell-side performance of helical baffled heat exchangers(HBHE). In this work, three physical mod
帕尔默承认挑战非常艰巨,但在汽车业中至少要有一家成功、伟大的英国公司安迪·帕尔默(Andy Palmer)从未打算成为日本日产的首席执行官。他曾是雷诺一日产(Renault-Nissan)联
文章从加强职业道德修养,提高工作人员整体素质,创新工作模式,完善服务项目,开展各种形式的阅读辅导,论述了学校图书馆如何发挥其在素质教育中的作用。 The article from st
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Obese subjects have higher circulating levels of C-reactive protein(CRP) than normal subjects, and it has been shown that CRP per se may contribute to atherogen
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