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仰卧臀高位臀位外倒转术500例分析王秀丽,范爱玲,孙聪欣河北省人民医院妇产科(050051)石家庄市第四医院关键词仰卧臀位高位,臀位外倒转术,效果臀先露为最常见的异常胎位。除去先天畸形和宫内死胎,其围产儿死亡率仍较头先露高3~4倍[1]。因此,将臀先... Supine hip breech external inversion surgery 500 cases Analysis of the case of 500 cases of hip replacement Wang Xiuli, Fan Ailing, Sun Congxin Hebei Provincial People’s Hospital (050051) Fourth Hospital of Shijiazhuang Keywords supine breech position, breech incision, the effect of hip first Common abnormal fetal position. In addition to congenital malformation and intrauterine fetal death, perinatal mortality is still 3 to 4 times higher than the first dew first [1]. So, hips first ...
作者通过38例非感染性剖宫产术单次应用抗生素的临床观察,总结剖宫产术围手术期合理应用抗生素的经验。1 临床资料 The author through 38 cases of non-infective cesarea
The region under discussion borders ihe gorge of the Wu River on the north and the head-water area of the Maotiao River on the south, reaching the Szechuan-Kwei
One compound with N-(4-pyridylmethyl)imidazole liand, [Co(pyim)2(N3)2]n 1(pyim = N-(4-pyridylmethyl)imidazole), was synthesized and structurally characterized.
A new Cd(Ⅱ) coordination polymer, {[Cd(Hnbta)(L)]·H2O}n(L = 1,4-bis(5,6-dimethylbenzimidazol-1-yl)butane), H3nbta= 5-nitrobenzene-1,2,3-tricarboxylic acid), h
A novel lanthanum(Ⅲ) complex, [LaL2(NO3)3]·H2O(1) based on L(L = N-(naphthalene-1-yl)-2-(quinolin-8-yloxy)acetamide), was synthesized and characterized by X-r