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如果现代主义绘画侧重于可视性的话,那么,古典绘画和观念绘画无疑更倾向可述性。如此看来,在肖克刚这里,表面上似乎更接近可视性,但他真正的目的恰恰是为了弱化可视性。只是他弱化可视性与其说为了凸现可述性,毋宁说他是试图在二者的碰撞中通过相互消耗,而探索一个可能的临界点。他消解了象征和隐喻,也避免了回到形式主义的可能。这一点恰恰暗合了他绘画的一个不是逻辑的逻辑:没有目的的书写。它没有起点,没有终点,更像是一个不断制造障碍,又不断排除障 If modernist painting focuses on visibility, then classical painting and conceptual painting undoubtedly tend to be more descriptive. So it seems that Xiao Kegang here appears ostensibly closer to the visual, but his real purpose is precisely to weaken the visibility. It is only that he weakens the visibility not so much to express the descriptivity, rather that he is trying to exploit each other in the collision between the two to explore a possible critical point. He eliminates the symbols and metaphors and avoids the possibility of returning to formalism. This coincides with one of his paintings is not a logical logic: no purpose of writing. It has no beginning, no end, more like a constantly creating obstacles, and constantly eliminate barriers
氮麻醉和减压病、气压伤等均是在潜水或其它高气压环境工作过程中可能发生的疾病。现将我院2名陪护人员在8 ATA下发生的氮麻醉病例及体会报告如下。l 病历摘要 1995年12月3日15:20,我院收治1名深
患者男,46岁,既往体健,无任何心脏疾患和其他病史.主诉:每于剧烈运动后,随即出现心悸、胸闷、头晕不适,于2000年3月6日就诊于我院内科观察治疗.体检:T 36.8℃,P 110次/min以
Through improving the aging process during synthesis of the support,γ-Al2O3 with large pore volume and high surface area was synthesized by a facile secondary
目的:探讨盆腔子宫内膜异位症(内异症)临床特点及治疗方法与预后的关系。方法:对我院1993年 1月~1998年 12月 6年间收治的内异症 516例次临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果:内异症临床表现为盆腔疼痛及
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目的:对国产及进口盐酸西替利嗪片治疗荨麻疹进行疗效比较.方法:治疗组用国产盐酸西替利嗪,对照组用进口同类药.每日口服1次10 mg,首剂在病情发作时服,以后每隔24 h给药1次.6