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   For three years, Charlotte Brown has been chasing a medal. She has been trying to jump over a bar[长棍] she couldn’t see.
   The senior pole vaulter[撑杆跳高运动员] finally cleared that bar. She earned a third-place finish at the Texas state high school championships[锦标赛]. And joining her on the podium[指挥台] was her guide dog, Vador.
   Brown is blind. Yet that’s not stopped her quest to become one of the best in an event that would seem so difficult.
   “I finally did it,” Brown said. “If I could send a message to anybody, it’s not about pole vaulting and it’s not about track. It’s about finding something that makes you happy despite whatever obstacles[障碍] are in your way.”
   Brown had qualified[使具有资格] for the state meet[比赛会] each year since 2013. She attends Emory Rains High School. She finished eighth as a sophomore and improved to fourth as a junior.
   At her hotel room before the finals, Stori Brown tried to give her daughter some helpful advice. Her mom wanted her to know that it was important to remember that she was one of the few to make it this far. And that was whether she won a medal or not.
   “No,” Charlotte replied. “I need to be on that podium.”
   Brown was born with normal vision. She developed cataracts[白内障] when she was 16 weeks old. That led to the first of several operations. Her vision was alright until she was about 11. Then it started to worsen.
   By 2013, she still had a small window of sight. But she couldn’t see color or tell shapes from shadows. Brown is now blind. While not faced with total darkness, her mother described what remains as a “jigsaw puzzle[七巧板]” of mixed up shades of light and dark.
   Despite her disability[残疾], Brown takes pride in her fierce[强烈的] spirit of independence[獨立]. It comes from growing up in a family with two older brothers. They pushed her to help herself in the rural[乡下的] town of Emory.
   Run down a track and hurtle[猛冲] herself more than 11 feet into the air? No problem.
   Brown first took up pole vaulting in seventh grade. Why? She wanted to do something a little “dangerous and exciting.”She counts the seven steps of her left foot on her approach[靠近]. She listens for the sound of a beeper[发出哔哔声的仪器] placed on the mat. That tells her when to plant the pole and push up.
   At the state meet, Vador walked her to the warmup area.
   Brown missed her first attempts[尝试] at 10-0 feet and 10-6. She cleared them both on her second try. She cleared 11-0 on her first attempt. Then she made it over 11-6. She guaranteed[保证] herself a medal when two other vaulters couldn’t reach that height, leaving Brown among the last three in the field.    She made three attempts at 11-9 but missed each one. She briefly dropped her shoulders and shook her head after her final attempt. Then she got to her feet to thank the crowd for their ovation[欢呼]. It came from several hundred fans she could hear but not see.
  “She came to win,” said her father, Ian Brown.“As parents, we are thrilled[极为激动的] she got on the podium.”
  “I don’t know how many people could do that,”Sydney King, who won gold at a height of 12-3, said.“Her story, she’s what keeps me going when things aren’t going right for me.”
  Brown is headed to Purdue University on an academic[学术的] scholarship[奖学金]. She plans to walk on in track.
  “It took me three years to get on the podium. And I finally did it,” Brown said. “This story…really wasn’t about me. It was about everybody that struggles with something.”
   Rnow More
   9th Grade student =Freshman
   10th Grade student =Sophomore
   11th Grade student =Junior
   12th Grade student =Senior
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