
来源 :浦东开发 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yijiezhented
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浦东开发开放已经十周年。过去的十年,是浦东面貌日新月异的十年,也是上海经济飞速发展的十年。十年来,上海以浦东开发开放为龙头,经济发展与人民生活水平迈上了新台阶。以金融、商贸、交运、信息、房地产等为代表的服务贸易也取得了长足的进展。今年,我国有望加入WTO Pudong development and opening up has been the tenth anniversary. The past decade has seen the rapid development of Pudong and its rapid economic development over the past decade. Over the past decade, Shanghai has taken Pudong’s development and opening up as a leader, bringing economic development and people’s living standards to a new level. Trade in services represented by finance, commerce and trade, delivery of goods, information and real estate has made great strides. This year, our country is expected to join the WTO
我国现行电价政策是 80年代中期实施的还本付息政策 ,已不适应当前电力局部过剩的局面。结合电价形成机制和改革城乡同电同价工作的推进 ,国家发计委会同国家电力公司正在酝
一个城市普通家庭近37年的收支情况,被主人详尽地记在24本账册上—— The income and expenses of an average family in a city for nearly 37 years have been carefully
罗苏 ,只有小学毕业学历 ,原来是南海南庄一位农民。 1961年 2 3岁时 ,被推举当上南庄镇办酿酒厂厂长。在计划经济时代先后办过 5家工厂。改革开放以来继续办工厂 ,1984年开
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日前,Vishay宣布推出业内首批通过AEC-Q101认证的采用双片不对称功率封装的12V MOSFET——SQJ202EP和20V MOSFET——SQJ200EP,可在汽车应用的高效同步降压转换器中节省空间和