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如何在乡镇贯彻好“三个代表”重要思想,促进经济与社会发展,是乡镇党组织与政府的首要课题。我们横林镇党委、政府就此做了一些探索。我们横林镇认真贯彻落实“三个代表”重要思想,尤其是始终紧紧抓住了发展这个主题和第一要务,大力推进经济和社会发展进步;同时,不断解? How to carry out the important thought of “Three Represents” and promote economic and social development in towns and villages is the most important issue for township party organizations and the government. We Henglin town party committee, the government made some exploration. We Henglin Town conscientiously implement the important thought of “Three Represents”, especially has always firmly grasp the theme of development and the top priority, vigorously promote economic and social progress; the same time, continue to understand?
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