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森林耗水量的估算是在选择造林树种和研究森林的环境效能时经常需要的。最常用的方法是通过离体枝条短期内失重的方法来推算。称重法要求合用的扭力天平,工作量也比较大。现代的稳恒态气孔计法和热波法要有进口的价格昂贵的仪器,在我国还不普及。这里介绍一种虽比较古典,但简便易行的方法,每个林场都可以做到。经过我们试用,认为效果是令人满意的。一、方法简述将长度约70厘米的乳胶管,一端套在滴定管(碱管)下端,从另一端注入蒸馏水(如无 Estimating forest water consumption is often needed in selecting afforestation species and in studying the environmental performance of forests. The most common method is to calculate the short-term weight loss of isolated branches. Weighing method requires the use of torque balance, the workload is relatively large. The modern steady state stomatal method and the thermal wave method have imported expensive instruments, which is not yet universal in our country. Here is a classic but easy to use method that every farms can do. After our trial, that the effect is satisfactory. First, the method outlined will be about 70 cm in length latex tube, set at one end of the buret (alkali tube) at the bottom, from the other end into the distilled water (if no
文中追溯了九点圆的发现过程,並用方法论的观点进行了分析。 The article traces back to the process of nine o’clock discovery and analyzes it from the perspective
Si is an important material for manufacturing chips of microelectronic integrated circuits and transistors. Special Si devices can be used as the base material
桂竹(Pnyllostachys bambusoidesSieb.et Zucc)又称烂头竹、五月季.秆高可达10—11米,直径8—10厘米,为产量高、用途广、经济收益快的中型竹种.为了解决徐州地区的适生竹种
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引言 森林主伐龄是指同一经营单位的林分进行正常主伐的最低年龄。确定森林主伐龄的主要技术依据是森林成熟。由于林种不同,经营目的不同,所依据的森林成熟种类亦不同。就用