Diurnal Variation in Relative Photosynthetic Performance of Marestail (Hippuris vulgaris Linn.) Acro

来源 :Journal of Mountain Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ydaf9ta7
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This paper reports the first photosynthetic study of marestail in Jiuzhaigou.In this work,we used PAM fluorometry to examine photosynthetic rates of submerged and emerged marestail in three lakes.Three lakes were studied across a gradient of water temperature,with low water temperature conditions in Grass Lake and Arrow Bamboo Lake,and higher water temperature in Five Colored Lake.In the field,electron transport rates (ETRmax) were measured as rapid light curves (RLCs) by in situ yield measurements.Submerged and emerged marestail showed higher photosynthetic activity in Five Colored Lake compared to the other lakes,a response consistent with the adaptation of marestail in Five Colored Lake to high water temperature.The optimal temperature for photosynthesis of submerged marestail in Jiuzhaigou was about 12 °C.Non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) of submerged and emerged marestail increased with increasing water temperature.Maximum quantum yield (Fv/Fm) of submerged marestail in Five Colored Lake showed full recovery at 1700 h due to higher NPQ.Further,the chlorophyll a for submerged marestail was the highest in Grass Lake and the lowest in Five Colored Lake.These results indicate that in different lakes the function of these aquatic plants is associated with a diversity of place-dependent environmental conditions,especially water temperature that leads to pronounced differences in the plant’s ecophysiological reactions. This paper reports the first photosynthetic study of marestail in Jiuzhaigou. This work, we used PAM fluorometry to examine photosynthetic rates of submerged andfted marestail in three lakes. Three lakes were studied across a gradient of water temperature, with low water temperature conditions in Grass Lake and Arrow Bamboo Lake, and higher water temperature in Five Colored Lake. The field, electron transport rates (ETRmax) were measured as rapid light curves (RLCs) by in situ yield measurements. Submerged and presented marestail showed higher photosynthetic activity in Five Colored Lake compared to the other lakes, a response consistent with the adaptation of marestail in Five Colored Lake to high water temperature. The optimal temperature for photosynthesis of submerged marestail in Jiuzhaigou was about 12 ° C. Non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) of submerged and showed marestail increased with increasing water temperature. Maximum quantum yield (Fv / Fm) of submerged marestail in Five Colo red lake showed full recovery at 1700 h due to higher NPQ.Further, the chlorophyll a for submerged marestail was the highest in Grass Lake and the lowest in Five Colored Lake. thisse results indicate that in different lakes the function of these aquatic plants is associated with a diversity of place-dependent environmental conditions, especially water temperature that leads to pronounced differences in the plant’s ecophysiological reactions.
《叛逆自我》故事的主人公是被身在纽约的祖母带大的,她的父母是20世纪60年代哈佛大学的激进分子(radical student activists)。满心期待父母会重新出现的他在没人管教的成长
本文从教学法的角度出发,分析了中国目前英语词汇教学中所存在的问题及其原因,并针对英语词汇教学中所存在的问题提出了相关的策略和词汇记忆的方法。 Based on pedagogy, t
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