Kinetics and equilibrium of adsorption of dissolved organic matter fractions from secondary effluent

来源 :Journal of Environmental Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kokwok
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Fly ash was used as a low-cost adsorbent for removing dissolved organic matter (DOM) in secondary effluent. Batch experiments were conducted under various adsorbent dosages, pH, contact time, temperatures and DOM fractional characteristics. Under the optimum conditions of fly ash dosage of 15 g/L, temperature of 303 K and contact time of 180 min, a removal of 22.5% of the dissolved organic carbon (DOC), 23.7% of UV-254, 25.9% of the trihalomethanes precursors in secondary effluent was obtained. The adsorption of DOM fractions onto fly ash all followed the pseudo second-order kinetic model, and the hydrophilic fraction adsorption by fly ash also fitted the intraparticle diffusion model quite well. Freundlich and Langmuir models were applicable to the fly ash adsorption and their constants were evaluated. The maximum adsorption capacities of the adsorptions revealed that fly ash was more effective in adsorbing hydrophilic fraction than the acidic fractions. Structure changes of the DOM fractions after fly ash adsorption were also characterized via spectrum analyzing. Those mechanisms presented critical step toward improved efficiencies of fly ash adsorption via further surface-modification. Fly ash was used as a low-cost adsorbent for removing dissolved organic matter (DOM) in secondary effluent. Batch experiments were conducted under various adsorbent dosages, pH, contact time, temperatures and DOM fractional characteristics. Under the optimum conditions of fly ash dosage of 15 g / L, temperature of 303 K and contact time of 180 min, a removal of 22.5% of the dissolved organic carbon (DOC), 23.7% of UV-254, 25.9% of the trihalomethanes precursors in secondary effluent was obtained. The adsorption of DOM fractions onto fly ash all followed the pseudo second-order kinetic model, and the hydrophilic fraction adsorption by fly ash also fitted the intraparticle diffusion model quite well. Freundlich and Langmuir models were applicable to the fly ash adsorption and their constants were The maximum adsorption capacities of the adsorptions revealed that fly ash was more effective in adsorbing hydrophilic fraction than the acidic fractions. Structure changes of the DOM f ractions after fly ash adsorption were also distinguished via spectrum analyzing. Those mechanisms presented critical step toward improved efficiencies of fly ash adsorption via further surface-modification.
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<正> 手足癣是临床上最常见的一种顽固性皮肤病,在我国发病率可达40—60%,传染性强,在全世界广为流行。我们自1996年5月—1999年12月间,用椒矾苦醋液浸泡治疗手足癣100例,取
目的 探讨多层螺旋CT肋软骨成像方法及成人肋软骨的形态学表现。方法 对100例无肋软骨病症者行多层螺旋CT容积扫描,扫描完后将图像导入CT3D工作站,用软件MPR、MIP、SSD及VR