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作者认为,建立现代企业制度,首要的前提是明断企业的产权关系。在中国,要实现现代企业制度所遇到的困难,不仅仅是国有企业产权关系不明晰,就是集体所有制企业、乡镇企业的产权关系也不明断,;解决国有资产的人格化和建立企业法人财产制度,促使企业真正做到自负盈亏是至关重要的;必须尊重股东的权益,让股东有自己决定经营者的权力是关键.传统的企业干部人事制度应当被废止.在现代企业制度中,核心的问题是对资产的运营,即出资者将财产托付给经营者去营运,进而达到资产的保值、增值和获得资产收益的目的,而经营者财运用出资者出资所形成的企业法人财产,获取收益.现代企业的发展史,说到底,既是一部科技进步史,更是一部资本扩张史,科技是在资本不断扩张的基础上得到进步的。为此,就要允许企业采用多种手段实现资产效益的最大化. The author believes that the first prerequisite for the establishment of a modern enterprise system is to clarify the company’s property rights relationship. In China, the difficulties encountered in realizing the modern enterprise system are not only the unclear state-owned enterprise property rights, but also the unclear property rights relations between collectively-owned enterprises and township enterprises; the resolution of the personification of state-owned assets and the establishment of a corporate legal person property system. It is crucial to encourage companies to truly assume their own profits and losses; they must respect the rights and interests of shareholders, and allow shareholders to determine their own managerial power. The traditional enterprise cadre personnel system should be abolished. In the modern enterprise system, the core issue is the operation of assets, that is, the investors are entrusted with assets to the operators to operate, and then to achieve the purpose of asset preservation, value-added and obtain assets, and the operator’s financial resources Formed corporate legal property, gaining income. The history of the development of modern enterprises is, in the final analysis, not only a history of scientific and technological progress, but also a history of capital expansion. Science and technology are progressing on the basis of continuous expansion of capital. To this end, it is necessary to allow companies to use various means to maximize the efficiency of their assets.
目的 探讨脑AVM的治疗时机和方法的选择.方法对63例脑AVM的治疗时机和方法进行分析.手术切除50例,除部分急诊手术外均在显微镜下完成;对重要功能区的脑AVM行血管内栓塞8例,3例术前栓塞,3例栓塞完全,2例栓塞不全行伽玛刀治疗;直接行γ-刀治疗2例.结果44例全切,6例部分切除,均经病理检查证实为脑AVM.8例血管内栓塞治疗显示畸形血管3例消失、5例缩小50%以上;γ-刀治疗4例,见AVM血管
患者男,68岁,因发热2周来我院就诊,门诊以发热待查于2001年1月16日入院。既往患有高血压,冠心病,否认有胃肠道疾病。入院时查体:T 38.5℃,R 20次·min-1,P 76次·min-1,BP 1
<正> 手足癣是临床上最常见的一种顽固性皮肤病,在我国发病率可达40—60%,传染性强,在全世界广为流行。我们自1996年5月—1999年12月间,用椒矾苦醋液浸泡治疗手足癣100例,取
目的 探讨多层螺旋CT肋软骨成像方法及成人肋软骨的形态学表现。方法 对100例无肋软骨病症者行多层螺旋CT容积扫描,扫描完后将图像导入CT3D工作站,用软件MPR、MIP、SSD及VR