
来源 :人民调解 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:daihongjun2
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我叫陈宏伟,做人民调解工作10年了。人们常说,人民调解工作干得都是些微不足道的小事,刚开始,我也犹豫过、彷徨过,甚至怀疑过自己的选择,但随着工作实践的加深,我却深深地爱上了这份职业。那是令人悲哀的一天,济源市坡头某中学初三学生张某在学校跑操时突然摔倒,后经医院抢救无效死亡,死者亲属20余人抬着尸体,在学校门前搭设灵堂,向学校讨说法。得知情况后,为防止事情进一步恶化,我不顾死者家属的冷嘲热讽,耐心地劝 My name is Chen Hongwei and I have been a mediator for 10 years. People often say that people’s mediation work is trivial. From the very beginning, I hesitate, imitate or even doubt my own choices. However, as my work practices deepen, I deeply fell in love with it This occupation. That is a sad day, Jiyuan City, a high school first day of the third day, a student suddenly ran across the school run down suddenly died after hospital rescue, relatives of the deceased carried more than 20 bodies, erected in front of the school hall, Talk to the school After learning of the situation, in order to prevent any further deterioration, I ignored the cynicism of the families of the deceased and patiently advised
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<正> 与研究主体把握自在物理世界与物理状态的近代认识论不同,现代认识论更偏注于人们对人化世界的理解,并由此形成了文化认识论这一新的理论形态,它是哲学认识论对19世纪中叶以来西方人类学、神话学、语言学和深层心理学等文化科学的长足发展进行综合和总结的必然结果。按照卡西尔的说法,“一般认识论,以其传统的形式和局限,并