
来源 :中国科学技术大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:czhaoguof
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K0006(K6)of Qingshihuang’s Mausoleum was excavated in July 2000, from which 12 terracotta officer figures were unearthed for the first time. This article presents the preliminary research of 19 samples from 8 individuals. Their More’s hardness and water absorption are approximately the same as that of the terra cotta warriors, which implies the similarity of their pottery properties and conservation measures. Both the result of cluster analysis and principal component analysis indicate significant homology of clay materials among individuals of K6 and K1,K2,K3,especially with that of K3. K3 and K6 were simulations of key departments of Qin government and the number of figures was limited. It is quite possible that clays from one single spot could supply enough material for two pits. The supposition that the clay spots and workshops were designated based on the rank of the figures is yet to be proved. K0006 (K6) of Qingshihuang’s Mausoleum was excavated in July 2000, from which 12 terracotta officer figures were unearthed for the first time. This article presents the preliminary research of 19 samples from 8 individuals. Their More and their hardness and water absorption are approximately the same as that of the terra cotta warriors, which implies the similarity of their pottery properties and conservation measures. Both the result of cluster analysis and principal component analysis indicate significant homology of clay materials among individuals of K6 and K1, K2, K3, especially with that of K3. K3 and K6 were simulations of key departments of Qin government and the number of figures was limited. It is quite possible that clays from one single spot could supply enough material for two pits. The supposition that the clay spots and workshops were designated based on the rank of the figures is yet to be proved.
[摘要]抗挫折能力是指一个人在遭遇挫折时能够采取行为使自己与其工作、生活的环境保持适当关系,从而免于心理和行为失常的能力。在日益多元化的社会中,高校学生尤其是高校新生挫折感的机率会越来越大。因此,培养并提高大学生的抗挫折能力,已经成为高等学校教育的重要任务之一。自信心的树立、坚强意志品质的培养、思想政治素质的提高、“挫折心理”的矫正等都是培养大学生抗挫折能力的有效途径。  [关键词]大学生 抗挫折
[摘要]教师教学方法好,学生学习兴趣高,学生学习兴趣高,学习的效率就会更高。而教师教法好,源于对知识的掌握深度,特别对于电子类教师,不仅要有扎实的理论基础,还要求有突出的实际的动手能力,这也是双师型教师(教师、工程师)所要求的。  [关键词]独立学院 课程 教学方法  [中图分类号]G642 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1009-5349(2016)20-0207-02  独立学院是指普通高校根
High expression of fibrinogen and platelets are often observed in non–small cell lung cancer(NSCLC) patients with local regional or distant metastasis. However