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逶迤苍茫的苗岭山,澄彻如镜的清水江,似乎已成为贵州高原苗族人民性格的象征,那巍峨的高山有如他们的勇敢、坚强,那碧绿的江水有如他们的俊秀、飘逸。二十多年前,我曾一度徜徉于苗岭清江之间,领略过这里的水光山色之美,但一直向往而未能实现的,却是攀上那苗岭的主峰雷公山,去仰视高原的浩渺苍穹,俯瞰苗乡的锦绣大地。当时,这海拔才二千一百七十八公尺的雷公山,竟是大自然划出了不知多少年的一个禁区,虽然相传山上居停过苗族人民英雄张秀眉的义师,留下过中国工农红军长征的 Miaoling vast Miaoling Hill, clear as a mirror of Qingshui River, Guizhou Miao seems to have become a symbol of the character of the people, that towering mountains like their bravery, strong, that green river like their handsome, elegant. Twenty years ago, I was once wandering in the Miaoling Qingjiang between the taste of the beauty here, but has long been aspired but can not be achieved, but it is climbing the main peak of that Miao Ling Thunder Hill, to look up to the plateau The vast sky, Miao Xiang overlooking the beautiful land. At that time, Lei Kung Shan, at an altitude of 2,188 meters above sea level, was actually a restricted area for nature that I did not know for many years. Although it is said that there was an ally of the Miao people hero Zhang Xiumei who stopped in the mountains and left the Red Army of the Chinese Workers’ and Peasants Long March’s
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我到全镇最偏远的一所村小任职第一天,头一件事就直奔校图书室。一打开图书室那扇绿色的竹门,我的心里顿时一震,真没想到这么偏远的学校竟藏有那么多的图 I went to the tow
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