
来源 :中国对外经济贸易文告 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:myqwe
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各市、县人民政府,省各委、办、厅、局,省各直属单位:按照中央关于“一手抓防治非典型肺炎这件大事,一手抓经济建设这个中心不动摇”的要求,为促进我省开放型经济持续、快速发展,根据国家有关规定,结合我省实际,特作出以下规定:一、提高出口退税抵押贷款贴息比例。省属企业按照省国税局核定的应退未退税额的70%为基数,视同银行贷款,并按此计算银行利息,由省财政给予贴息,贴息比例由去年的30%提高到60%;各级政府也要相应提高贴息比例。二、对出口企业投保政策性出口信用保险实行保费补贴。省属出口企业在中国出口信用保险公司南京营业部投保的,其保费由省财政补贴50%,中国出口信用保险公司南京营业部每半年向省财政核报一次;各级政府也应参照省里做法给予相应补贴。 The people’s governments of cities and counties, provincial committees, offices, offices, bureaus, and provincial affiliations: in accordance with the requirements of the Central Government on the one hand to prevent and control atypical pneumonia and on the other hand, to grasp the requirements of the center of economic construction. To promote the sustained and rapid development of our province’s open economy, in accordance with relevant state regulations, combined with the actual situation in our province, we hereby make the following specific provisions: First, increase the proportion of interest subsidies on export tax rebates for mortgage loans. Province-owned enterprises are based on the 70% of the refundable non-refundable amount approved by the Provincial Taxation Bureau, and are treated as bank loans. Based on this, bank interest is calculated and the provincial government gives a discount. The proportion of discount interest is increased from 30% last year to 60%; Governments at all levels must also increase the proportion of discount interest. Second, premium subsidies shall be applied to policy-oriented export credit insurance for export enterprises. If the provincial export enterprises are insured by the Nanjing Sales Department of the China Export Credit Insurance Corporation, their premiums will be subsidized by the provincial government by 50%. The Nanjing Sales Department of the China Export Credit Insurance Corporation shall report to the provincial government every six months; all levels of the government shall also refer to the province. Practice to give corresponding subsidies.
铜陵有色金属(集团)公司:我会对你公司选择的境外期货交易所London Metal Exchange(LME),境外经纪机构 Amalgamated Metal Trading Limited、 Tongling Non-Ferrous Metals
2007年1月18日,中国纺织采购博览城(以下简称中纺城)迎来了首届经营年会,宣布实现了销售额103.8亿元,从而实现了百亿市场的建设目标。 January 18, 2007, China Textile Exp
在今日有关销售方面的书籍中,无一不谈到打陌生拜访电话的重要作用。它被认为是在动态的基础上发展潜在客户的最好、最节约的方法。美国著名企业销售培训大师,DEI 管理集团
陆德明师承周弘正、张讥二儒 ,他融铸经术与玄风而成通儒 ,发扬师说 ,著《经典释文》 ,具有南学风韵。《经典释文》系为古代经书释义注音的专著 ,其贡献 :一、第一次按问世早