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根据中国机械工程学会 2 0 0 0年机学培 [2 0 0 1]1号文《关于建立工业工程专家库和开展工业工程师水平资格认证的通知》及学会制订的《工业工程专家评选和工业工程师水平资格认证暂行办法》 ,我省于 2 0 0 0年秋 ,接受了 11位工业工程专家的申请和 15位工业工程师资格认证的申 According to “Mechanical Engineering Society of China 2000” text [2 0 1] 1 “on the establishment of industrial engineering experts and the level of industrial engineers to carry out qualification certification notice” and learn to develop “industrial engineering expert selection and industry Engineer Level Qualification Interim Measures, ”the province in the autumn of 2000, accepted 11 industrial engineering experts and 15 industrial engineers qualification application
讨论了医疗改革中的医院药房职能的变化 ,分析了改革对医院药房转变服务意识的要求 ;强调了完善监督机制的必要性 ;讨论了服务环境的优化以及服务功能的增强。认为医院药房只
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概述了科技期刊标准化的含义,并结合实施有关的科技期刊标准,介绍了科技期刊在外观编排格式上应做的标准化工作。 The paper summarizes the meaning of standardization of
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农药的使用应本着安全、有效、经济的原则。科学使用农药,既能降低病虫草鼠的危害,不污染环境,又能增产增效。 The use of pesticides should be based on safe, effective
5.The Reigns of Ninurta-tukulti-Aur and Mutakkil-Nusku As noted above,the AKL records that both Ninurta-tukulti-Aur and Mutakkil-Nusku reigned 5. The R
The acoustic radiation modes and the field distribution modes describe the radiation patterns of a complex vibrating surface and the field distribution pattern
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