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唐朝以前的君王、皇帝,对穿什么颜色的袍服,时有规定,时无规定。西周、东周时期,据专门记载此时典章制度的书籍《礼记·月令》记载,天子“着青衣”。从战国到秦汉魏晋之际盛行“五行”(水火木金土)终始说,中国第一个皇帝秦始皇按水、火、木、金、土(五行)与黑、白、 Before the Tang Dynasty, the kings, emperors, to wear what color gown, there are times when there is no provision. Western Zhou Dynasty, Eastern Zhou Dynasty, according to a special record at this time the system of books, “Book of Rites,” records, the emperor “with Tsing Yi.” From the Warring States Period to the Qin and Han Dynasties to the Wei and Jin Dynasties, the prevalence of “Five Elements” (Water Fire Wood) began with the statement that Emperor Qin Shihuang, the first Chinese emperor,
患者男,57岁.因咳嗽、咳血痰5个月、加重5 d于2003年10月24日入院.胸部X片示右中下叶肺门区阴影,形状不规则,内有钙化(图1).临床以"右中央型肺癌"于2003年10月31日行"右中下肺肺叶切除术".术中右中下肺触及肿块,约4 cm×4 cm×3 cm,上叶无异常,胸腔内无积液,右侧肺门及纵隔内未触及肿大淋巴结。
笔者对《数学教学》2013年第8期问题893通过探究,得出了该征解题的3个变式和正项等差数列与组合数构成的4个新不等式. The author of the mathematical teaching of the eig
自2009年被湖北省财政厅确定为全省财政系统依法行政依法理财示范创建单位以来,鄂州市财政局明确思路,创新机制,扎实开展依法行政依法理财示范创建工作,取得了初 Since 2009
Fragility analysis for highway bridges has become increasingly important in the risk assessment of highway transportation networks exposed to seismic hazards. T
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Recently considerable attention has been paid to the ABO_3 type RE complexoxides since they have special electrical-magnetic properties, good catalytic behavio