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为了建设社会主义的市场经济,我们必须解放思想、转变观念,从几十年计划经济体制下形成的思想方法、价值取向、甚至生活习惯中解脱出来。就传统文化与建设社会主义市场经济关系而言,我们应自觉地努力克服传统文化中与市场经济不适应的东西,如中庸之道、安贫乐道等等强调克己修身、消极处世、安于现状的精神枷锁,抛弃耻于竞争、重农抑商、不患寡而患不均等观念,改变“吃亏是福”、“难得糊涂”的精神追求,而树立市场经济所需要的积极进取、勇于竞争的精神。但是,要求转变传统观念,并不等于否定传统美德。相反,市场经济越发展,越应发扬传统美德。市场经济犹如一辆促进经济发展的高速列车,传统美德 In order to build a socialist market economy, we must emancipate our minds and change our concepts, freeing ourselves from the ideological methods, values ​​and even habits of life formed under the planned economic system for decades. In terms of the relationship between traditional culture and building a socialist market economy, we should conscientiously strive to overcome the incompatibility with the market economy in traditional culture, such as the doctrine of the mean and restlessness, and emphasize the principle of self-denial, self-denial and the status quo Shackles, discarding others as shameful in competition, focusing on agriculture and suppressing business, and not suffering from oligarchy and inequality, changing the spiritual pursuit of “losing fortune” and “rare confusion”, and the spirit of being aggressive and courageous in establishing a market economy . However, requiring the transformation of traditional concepts does not mean negating the traditional virtues. On the contrary, the more developed the market economy, the more should the traditional virtues be promoted. The market economy is like a high-speed train that promotes economic development, the traditional virtue
This paper focused on the evolution over time of elasticity of the cement paste during the hydration, e g, Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ration, by the propos
随着国家新一轮收入分配制度改革的不断升温,我们在关注宏观收入不均的同时,更应该将目光投向微观分配机制的缺陷。所谓微观分配机制,主要是指存在于 With the continuous r