
来源 :黑龙江畜牧兽医 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fado
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职业教育的宗旨是培养直接服务于社会生产的应用型、技能型人才,与传统的教育方式有着很大区别;因此,职业教育工作者要积极探索适合我国农业职业教育成功的培养模式,从而提高职业教育质量,促进职业教育发展。针对目前畜牧兽医专业的职业教育,笔者选择了“321”工学结合的人才培养模式,进行了深入的实践研究,现介绍如下。1人才培养模式研究与实践的概况青海畜牧兽医职业技术学院是全国为数不多的 The purpose of vocational education is to cultivate applied and skilled personnel that directly serve the production of society, which is quite different from the traditional education methods. Therefore, vocational education workers should actively explore the training mode that suits the success of China’s agricultural vocational education, so as to improve The Quality of Vocational Education, Promoting the Development of Vocational Education. According to the current professional education of animal husbandry and veterinary medicine, the author has chosen “321 ” work-study combination of personnel training mode, carried out in-depth practical research, are presented below. 1 personnel training mode research and practice of Qinghai Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Vocational and Technical College is one of the few
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本文应用放射免疫法测定营养性佝偻病患儿活动期及经维生素D和钙剂治疗后恢复期血清I型胶原羧基端吡啶啉交联末端肽 (ICTP)水平。结果显示 30例营养性佝偻病活动期血清ICTP为
FT-IR表征了中孔分子筛 (HMS)载体与钛酸异丙酯、四氯化钛、酒石酸的键合作用 ,这种键合作用均会诱导载体的硅氧四面体发生弱的畸变 ,而在 960 cm-1附近出现吸收谱带 .键合温
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我科1996年6月~1997年10月间应用氟嗪酸治疗耐药性细菌性痢疾患儿,得到满意疗效,现报道如下: 临床资料 1.一般资料:选择在我科住院的细菌性痢疾患儿82例,随机分为治疗组(42例,