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China's archaeology has obtained outstanding achievements in the 20^th century. To retrospect the past, prospect the future, the Archaeology Publications holds the selection of “China's 100 Major Archaeological Discoveries in the 20^th Century” in the initial period of the new century. In order to ensure the selection based on scientific, academic and fair conditions, the preliminary candidates are made first by corresponding judges and then the committee of judges gives the final result. During the process,112 corresponding ballots are back. On March 29, 2001, “China's 100 Major Archaeological Discoveries in the 20^th Century” and its news conference are held. We invite 24 judges, 21 of them are present at the meeting. On the spot, the method of secret ballot is adopted, China's 100 major archaeological discoveries in the 20^th century are turned out on the majority ballot.
The secondary excavation of the Shitaizi mountain castle was carried out on the basis of the first digging. It covered an area of 450 sq m. The recorded remains include the excavated sites of the northwestern, eastern, southern and southwestern city-gates
This wreck lay 9km east of the seat of Yongcheng city, and was excavated in 1996.The hull is higher in the southeast and lower in the northwest, measures at present 24m in length, above 5m in width and about 1.4m in inner depth, and consists of bows, a st
According to objects recently unearthed from Guangdong, the early Bronze Age in this region began from the Shang period and is represented by three cultural types, i.e. the Fubin type in eastern Guangdong, the middle Shixia type in northern Guangdong, and
At the beginning of the new century, the Institute of Archaeology invited eight famous specialists of the Institute, who enjoy great prestige in academic circles, to give lectures. They told of their archaeological theories and methods formed in their lon
The Huachenggang site lies at Shahukou village in Anzhang township, Anxiang county, Hunan province, and constitutes a very important Neolithic site in the middle Yangtze River. The secondary excavation there was carried out in four areas and revealed rich
There is the Quanling Marquis family graveyard of the Western Han period at Yaoziling 2km northeast of Yongzhou city proper, Hunan province. Tomb No. 2 excavated there in 1995 is a wooden-chambered earth shaft shaped like the character “甲” with the tomb-p
The Gaoshaji site is situated at Gaotangling town in Wangcheng county, Hunan province, lying on a long narrow sandbar on the western bank of the lower Xiangjiang River, at the river mouth where the Weishui flows into the Xiangjiang, and occupies an area o