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  Britney Jean Spears was born on Dec. 2, 198l, in Kentwood, a small town in Louisiana. Although technically her first public performance was at the age of 4 (when she sang "What Child is This" at her local church), her professional (专业的)career began at the age of 8. When young Britney traveled to Atlanta, Ga., to audition for the Disney Channel's Mickey Mouse Club (MMC), she was ultimately deemed too young for the show. But one of the producers spotted her potential and helped her get an agent in New York. She spent the next three summers in the Big Apple studying at the off Broadway(百老汇) Dance Center and at the Professional Performing Arts School. The creative(创造性的)education(教育) paid off, in 199l she landed a part in the off Broadway production Ruthless.
  She's planning to stay in the music world for a long time. "I want music to always be a part of my life," she told the cable channel(频道). "It will always be a part of my life, and I just want to grow as a person each time each album comes out. I want to focus on my music right now and if film or something comes up, I'd go for it. But music will always be my main priority."
  1. at the age of : 在……岁时
  如:He began to learn English at the age of four.
  2. one of :其中之一 用法(1)与形容词、副词的最高级连用。
   如:Dalian is one of the most beautiful cities in China.
  3. helpvt. 帮助
   用法:help sb. do sth.=help sb. with sth.帮助某人做某事
   He helped me clean the room. = He helped me with the room. 他帮助我打扫房间。
  4. spendv. 花费, 消耗, 用尽
   用法:(1)sb. spend some time/money on sth.某人花费时间/金钱在某事上
   (2)sb. spend some time/money (in) doing sth.某人花费时间/金钱做某事
  如:(1)I spend 10 yuan on the book.这本书花了我十元钱。
   (2)He spent 3 days in reading the book. 他花了三天的时间阅读这本书。
  5. plan to do sth.计划做某事
  如: I plan to travel to Beijing. 我计划到北京去旅行。
ID/昵称: wNv.Perfect [cn]  Years of Gaming/游戏年龄:6年  Arms of being best at/擅长枪械:M4 AK  Map of being best at/擅长地图:de_train  Habitual action/标志性动作:高举右手叫NICE!  Favorite role/最喜欢的角色:T  Most wonderful individ
In 1995, when he was 12 years old, Craig Kielburger read a newspaper story that changed his life. Another 12-year-old boy, Iqbal Masih in Pakistan, had been murdered for bringing the world's attention
6岁,立志进军演艺圈;10岁,在电视剧《真正的女人》中出演了第一个角色;12岁,因电视剧《灵魂收集者》中的精彩表演而被授予“年轻艺术家”奖;15岁,出演各国热播、好评如潮的《新成长的烦恼》。她就是当今国际娱乐圈里的又一颗耀眼新星,有着“新小甜甜”之称的希拉里·达芙。    Name: Hilary Duff  姓名:希拉里·达芙  Age:19  年龄:19岁  Birthday: Septemb
恐怖制造者 Horror Maker     Junji Ito was born in Gifu prefecture in 1963. Inspired from a young age by his elder sister's drawing and Kazuo Umezu's comics, he took an interest in drawing horror comics him
简单地说,他就是荧幕中让人又爱又恨的那个……  成为演员之前,Matt是大学体育界的热门人物之一,作为校队队长曾多次参加NCAA的网球比赛并赢得荣誉。在WB(华纳兄弟电影公司)的2000年的新剧“Young Americans”(《伦敦街头档案》)中的简短演出,Matt给WB留下了深刻的印象。因此当“Gilmore Girls”(《吉尔莫女孩》)在S5中需要一个傲慢自大的富家公子Logan的时候,
Plot summary:  On the first day of high school a beautiful girl named Suzumiya Haruhi introduces herself as having "I am not interestedin ordinary humans, any aliens, time travelers, sliders or espers
Berry 译  赶上娃娃脸热潮     大家好!我是嘉玛·沃德,来自澳大利亚,今年刚满19岁。  Hello, everyone! I am Gemma Ward and come from Australia, only 19-year - old this year.  漂亮的嘴唇、大大的绿色的眼睛、柔嫩干净仿如外星人的俏脸——没错,那就是我,娃娃般的脸颊让我成为引领“娃娃脸”潮流的红星。你
1.You look great today. (今天你看上去很好。) 【每天都可以用】  2.You did a good job. (你干得非常好。) 【国际最通用的表扬】  3.We're so proud of you. (我们十分为你骄傲。) 【最高级的表扬】  4.I'm very pleased with your work. (我对你的工作非常满意。) 【正式、真诚的表扬】  5.
Name: Lebron James  Nationality: U.S.A  Born:1984/12/30  Height : 203cm  Weight:108.9kg  Number: 23(considers Michael Jordan as his role model which is why he chose  number 23)  姓名:勒布朗·詹姆斯  国籍:美国  生日:
2005年第一届网络奥斯卡一共颁出了11个奖项,这些获奖者有早已成名的网络写手、自弹自唱的视频歌手、网游MM、网络店主、竞技玩家,还有年度最风云的网络人物:一个支教山区的志愿者。他们都是因为网络而成名。对他们来说,获奖并不重要,重要的是网络成就了他们个人的梦想。    ■年度最佳博客奖 猛小蛇   猛小蛇,人如其名,个头虽有点小,但很猛。人称网络上的“灰心杀手”。他曾代表中国博客得到了“德国之声”