牢记嘱托 谨记厚望 不辱使命

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随着“两会”结束,新一届政府的机构设置已经水落石出,同时,社会保障行政管理体制以一种最便捷的方式终于走上了统一的轨道。我们完全可以确信,社会保障改革也将由此而开始跨入一个向纵深推进的新时期。 社会保障改革向纵深推进对于当前我国改革的整体推进至关重要。目前,在我国的整体改革中,有三方面内容占据突出位置,一是企业改革,二是市场体系建设,三是机构改革。这三方面各自都对社会保障体系建设提出了急切要求。国有企业的减员增效下岗分流将普遍展开。三年内,全国纺织业要压缩淘汰落后棉锭1000万锭,每压一万锭就要有600人随之而下岗;铁道系统要分流110万人;煤炭系统将分流100万人;造船业要有60万人分流;钢铁行业是70万人;机械工业部门是200万人……已经开始的机构改革也将使人员分流转岗的任务压力突显出来。目前,中央国家机关工作人员共3.3万人,地方政府机关工作人员约有525万人。他们中的一半将在三年内要分流转岗。所有这些人员的分流转岗是否能够到位,不仅与有无岗位直接相 With the conclusion of the “two sessions”, the institutional setup of the new government has been completed and the social security administration system has finally come to a unified track in the most convenient way. We can be absolutely sure that the reform of social security will also start to enter a new period of advancing in depth. The advance of social security reform is of great importance to the overall progress of the current reform in our country. At present, in the overall reform of our country, there are three aspects that occupy a prominent position. The first is enterprise reform. The second is market system construction. The third is institutional reform. Each of these three aspects poses an urgent request for the construction of the social security system. The downsizing of state-owned enterprises and the efficiency of laid-off workers will be generally launched. Within three years, the country’s textile industry will need to reduce the number of obsolete cotton spindles by 10 million, and every 600,000 people will have to lay off one by one. The railway system will divert 1,100,000 people and the coal system will divert 1,000,000 people. The shipbuilding industry There are 600,000 people shunting; the steel industry is 700,000; the machinery industry is 2 million ... The institutional reforms that have already begun will also put pressure on the task of diversion and transfer of personnel. At present, there are 33,000 staff members in central state organs and about 5.25 million staff members in local government agencies. Half of them will be diverted to work in three years. The diversion and transfer of all these personnel can be put in place, not only with the direct presence of jobs
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初中历史课堂教学要提升教学质量,教师就要研究教材,应用红色资源激发学生的爱国热情,就要利用红色资源组织学生参加各种活动,培养学生的爱国主义精神。提高课堂效率。 To i
什么是倦怠  所谓倦怠是非常奢侈的东西。首先,我现在没有闲工夫拥有倦怠。因为每天得忙于工作,忙于奔波生活。而且想要咀嚼真正的倦怠滋味,得花费很多金钱。为什么呢?因为随着没钱而来的无可奈何和被逼得走投无路的心境,同倦怠相距甚远。  在人们常说的青春的倦怠里,虽然也有人把没钱去看电影而无所事事地待在简易公寓的情景称为“青春的倦怠”。但这能不能说是倦怠,还是个疑问。其实,所谓真正的倦怠,是王侯贵族的专利