Risk analysis of dynamic control of reservoir limited water level by considering flood forecast erro

来源 :Science China(Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aerostock
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Flood control forecast operation mode is one of the main ways for determining the upper bound of dynamic control of flood limited water level during flood season. The floodwater utilization rate can be effectively increased by using flood forecast information and flood control forecast operation mode. In this paper, Dahuofang Reservoir is selected as a case study. At first, the distribution pattern and the bound of forecast error which is a key source of risk are analyzed. Then, based on the definition of flood risk, the risk of dynamic control of reservoir flood limited water level within different flood forecast error bounds is studied. The results show that, the dynamic control of reservoir flood limited water level with flood forecast information can increase the floodwater utilization rate without increasing flood control risk effectively and it is feasible in practice. Flood control forecast operation mode is one of the main ways for determining the upper bound of dynamic control of flood limited water level during flood season. The flood water utilization rate can be increased increased by using flood forecast information and flood control forecast operation mode. paper, Dahuofang Reservoir is selected as a case study. At first, the distribution pattern and the bound of forecast error which is a key source of risk are analyzed. Then, based on the definition of flood risk, the risk of dynamic control of reservoir The results show that, the dynamic control of reservoir flood limited water level with flood forecast information can increase the floodwater utilization rate without increasing flood control risk effectively and it is feasible in practice.
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做法: 一、将约1.5斤重的小母鸡放入沸水中烫约3分钟,略滚,捞起晾干。将少许蜜糖涂在上面,再晾干。在清汤中加入适量味精、精盐、蚝油及剩下的蜜糖调成味汁备用。 二、用旺