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15寸(本文中的“寸”指英寸》还是17寸?对于LCD显示器的绝大多数购买者而言,这是一个不需要回答的问题,因为17寸是想都没想过的。然而现在无论是厂商所以表的言论还是其对产品线的调整,都在暗示17寸将成为下半年的趋势。 This is an unanswered question for the vast majority of buyers of LCD displays, because the 17-inch is never thought of yet, but now Whether the manufacturers so the table’s remarks or its adjustment of the product line, are suggesting that 17-inch will be the trend of the second half.
During the annual Science and Technology Conference in India, the Space Summit Meeting was organized by Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO).During the Sum
Russian Minister of communications and information L.Reiman held a two-day meeting in St.Petersburg with Wang Xudong, Chinese vice minister of Information Indus
On Aug.29, 2003, the Chinese-Russian space cooperation subcommittee met in Beijing. In this4th session of the subcommittee, both sides reviewed the achievements
On August 28 2003, China Aerospace Engineering Consultation Center (CAECC) was formed with the approval of the Commission of Science, Technology and Industry fo
关于如何阅读残雪的问题,笔者将从实现“万物归一”的反复垂直阅读、非小说作品的另类参照以及打破传统文学观念的陈旧模式三方面入手,以期对他人的阅读有所帮助。 On the i