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最近,在关于是不是因为垄断造成了眼前的电荒问题上发生了激烈的争论。先是有文章断言电荒产生的原因完全是垄断。接着就有人站出来反对,说国家政策已经放开,电力行业门槛过高是自然原因而不是人为的。同时也指出电力行业不同于一般的商品生产行业,不能完全依靠市场自行调节,否则会出大乱子。接着又有人针对这些观点进行了反驳…… Recently, there has been a heated debate over whether the monopoly has caused immediate power shortage. First, there are articles asserting the cause of electricity shortage is entirely monopoly. Then someone stood up against it, saying that the national policy had been liberalized and that the high threshold of the power industry was a natural reason rather than a man-made one. Also pointed out that the power industry is different from the general commodity production industry, can not completely rely on the market to adjust itself, otherwise it will be a big mess. Then there was a refute of these views ...
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因为利益,市场变得急不可耐;也是因为利益,技术标准迟迟不能出台 Because of interest, the market becomes impatient; also because of interests, technical standards h
The cooperation in space technol ogy between China and Brazil is fruitful.The second Sino-Brazilian earth resources satellite, CBERS-1B, was successfully launch
薰篆公,门名黔一代理产品一攫襄联系电诸夔 炸理产品华蘸 攀系电簇摹卜6351】200 -勺﹄-﹃了I咫阴晰晰术一术术术 ‘J勺I 2伪︸叶东北地区沈{‘{}监英}’}动化有限公、、}i工‘J一
During the annual Science and Technology Conference in India, the Space Summit Meeting was organized by Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO).During the Sum