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成都对于我来说并不是一个陌生的城市,这几年四川全兴队一直是一个很令人头疼的对手,何况是现在、我们大连队正在重新夺回冠军奖杯的现在!上一轮我们客场输给惟一可以阻止我们夺冠步伐的上海申花队,但是这似乎并没有给球队的心气儿上带来什么负面影响,我的队友们都以最舒服的姿势靠在各自的座位里,或闭目养神或低头看书,飞机舷窗外是一片翻滚的洁白云海,耀眼的阳光从上方射下来,一切都显得相当舒适惬意,下意识地伸了一个懒腰,我决定拒绝这美丽的阳光而好好睡一小觉。中午我们抵达成都,到了当地足协为我们安排的酒店之后,我们发现那家酒店的情况并不是很好,因为这一场比赛非常关键,所以队里也特别重视队员的休息和恢复,岳来我们就全体移师到另一家宾馆,稍事休息之后,下午,我们大连队的队员们便出现在训练场上,大家都是以放松、适应为主,但是每个人都很认真,我知道外界的媒体对于我们失利后的评论很多,但是 Chengdu is not a strange city for me, in recent years, Sichuan Quanxing team has been a very troubling opponent, not to mention now that we Dalian team is regaining the title of the trophy now! The last round of our away lost For the only Shanghai Shenhua team that can stop us from winning the championship, this does not seem to have caused any negative impact on the team, and my teammates are in their comfortable seats in the most comfortable position or closed their eyes Repose or bow to read a book, the aircraft porthole is a tumbling white clouds, shining sunlight shot down from above, everything seemed quite comfortable and comfortable, subconsciously stretched a lazy waist, I decided to refuse this beautiful sunshine and sleep well feel. We arrived in Chengdu at noon, to the local Football Association arranged for our hotel, we found that the hotel’s situation is not very good, because this game is very crucial, so the team also paid special attention to team members to rest and recovery, Yue to us On the whole move to another hotel, after a short break, in the afternoon, our Dalian team players will appear in the training ground, we are all to relax and adapt to the main, but everyone is serious, I know the media outside There are many comments about our defeat, however
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